Raster Images:
 Creation, Deletion, and Copying
  Copying Images

Copying whole bitmaps:

Bitmap property

BitmapList property

Raster property

Copying part of one bitmap to another bitmap:

Combine method

CombineBitmapWarp method

CombineExt method

Raster property

Creating and using a floater (Document/Medical only):

Floater property

FloaterVisible property

IsPtInFloater method

SetFloaterDstRect method

SetFloaterDstClipRect method

FloaterDstHeight property

FloaterDstLeft property

FloaterDstTop property

FloaterDstWidth property

FloaterDstClipHeight property

FloaterDstClipLeft property

FloaterDstClipTop property

FloaterDstClipWidth property

FloaterHeight property

FloaterWidth property

OLE Drag and Drop

EnableOLEDragMethod property

EnableOLEDragMethod property (ILEADRasterImgList)

EnableUseDefaultCursor property

EnableUseDefaultCursor property (ImageList Control)

OLECompleteDrag event

OLECompleteDrag event (ILEADRasterImgList)

OLEDragCursor property

OLEDragCursor property (ILEADRasterImgList)

OLEDragOver event

OLEDragOver event (ILEADRasterImgList)

OLEGiveFeedback event

OLEGiveFeedback event (ILEADRasterImgList)

OLEStartDrag event

OLEStartDrag event (ILEADRasterImgList)