PDFCompSetCompression method (ILEADPDFCompressor)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short PDFCompSetCompression (long nFlags, OneBitCompressionTypeConstants comp1Bit, TwoBitCompressionTypeConstants comp2Bit, PictureCompressionTypeConstants compPicture, long nQFactor);


Refer to Creating a Compressed PDF File


(Advanced PDF Plug in only) Sets the compression type for image segments. The user can specify the type of compression to be used with each type of segment (1-bit, 2-bit and pictures).

This method must be called before inserting the compressed image into the PDF file by calling the PDFCompInsertMRC or PDFCompInsertNormal methods.

If the user does not call this method before using these methods, then the insertion process for the image into the PDF file will use the default compressions types.

See Also


PDFCompInsertMRC method, PDFCompInsertNormal method, PDFCompInsertSegments method


PDF Compressor Functions: Creating a File