ISISAcquireMulti method (ILEADRasterISIS)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short ISISAcquireMulti(long hWnd, LPDISPATCH pRaster, BSTR pszBaseFileName, long uFlags, RasterFileConstants Format, VARIANT_BOOL bMultiPageFile, ISISInsertModeConstants InsertMode);


Refer to Using ISISŪ to Scan Images


(Document/Medical Scans multiple pages into a multipage file or into multiple single page files.

To generate ISISPage events, you must set the EnableISISEvent property to TRUE before calling ISISAcquireMulti. Otherwise, the destination object will not receive scanned images.

You must call the ISISLoadDriver method before calling ISISAcquireMulti.

The InsertMode parameter determines whether the newly scanned images will destroy any existing Bitmap or Bitmap List in the destination object

See Also


ISISAcquire method, EnableISISEvent property, PagesDiscarded property, ISISGetTag method, ISISSetTag method, ISISPage event


Raster Images: Scanning Images using ISIS