GetTransformationParameters method (ILEADRasterProcess)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



short GetTransformationParameters (ILEADRaster *pRaster);


Refer to Detecting Registration Marks


(Document/Medical) Computes the rotation angle, XY scaling, and XY translation of the transformed bitmap with comparison to the reference bitmap. These are the transformations that would have to be performed to the reference bitmap to have it match the current bitmap.

This method updates the following properties with the rotation, scaling and translation information:






This method detects transformation parameters of the transformed bitmap by comparing it with the reference bitmap. The number of reference and detected points must be three.

Call the GetMarksCenterMass method for the reference bitmap. This will update the MarkCMPointX and MarkCMPointY properties with the center of mass for each registration mark. These values can then be assigned to the ReferencePointsX, ReferencePointsY properties.

Call the SearchRegMarks to find the new positions for the reference marks.

Again, call the GetMarksCenterMass method to update the MarkCMPointX and MarkCMPointY properties with the center of mass points for the transformed registration marks. These can be assigned to the TransformedPointsX and TransformedPointsY properties.

The values in the XTranslation, YTranslation, TransformedAngle, XScale and YScale properties are internally divided by 100.

This method supports 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images. Support for 12 and 16-bit grayscale and 48 and 64-bit color images is available only in the Document/Medical toolkits.

This method supports signed images.

See Also


Combine method, Rotate method, Size method, Deskew method, ApplyTransformationParameters method, IsRegistrationMark method, SearchRegMarks method, GetMarksCenterMass method, XTranslation property, YTranslation property, TransformationAngle property, XScale property, YScale property, TransformedPointsX property, TransformedPointsY property


Raster Images: Document Imaging