AnnSetForeColor method (ILEADRasterAnnotation)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short AnnSetForeColor(long hObject, OLE_COLOR ForeColor, VARIANT_BOOL bSelected);


Refer to Implementing Annotations.


(Document/Medical only) Sets the foreground color of one or more annotation objects. The default foreground color is red.

Use the Windows COLORREF data type to specify the color. For example, use the Pixel property or the Windows RGB macro to get a color value.

To see how the foreground color relates to the fill modes, refer to Illustration of Fill Options for Annotations.

This method does not affect objects that do not have this property or that do not let you change the property. For descriptions of the various types of objects and their properties, refer to Types of Annotations.

If the value of the AnnContainer property is passed as the hObject parameter, the method will modify all the annotations in the container depending on the value of bSelected parameter.

If the value of the AnnAutomation property is passed as the hObject parameter, the method will modify the default values used whenever an annotation is created.

See Also


AnnAlpha property, AnnAutoSnapCursor property, AnnCalibrateRuler method, AnnFillMode property, AnnGetFillModeExt method, AnnGetOptions method, AnnGetRotateOptions method, AnnGetTextOptions method, AnnSetFillModeExt method, AnnSetOptions method, AnnSetRotateOptions method, AnnSetTextOptions method, AnnShowBorder property, AnnShowRotateHandles property, AnnShowText property, AnnTextColor property, AnnTextEdit method, AnnGetForeColor method, AnnSetBackColor method, AnnGetBackColor method


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Manipulation


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Getting and Setting Color Properties


Using Color Values in LEADTOOLS