Using ILEADRasterVariant object

Use the ShortValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif To set a character value, set the Type property to VALUE_CHAR.

image\sqrblit.gif T o set a byte value, set the Type property to VALUE_BYTE

image\sqrblit.gif T o set a short value, set the Type property to VALUE_SHORT

Use the LongValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an unsigned short value, set the Type property to VALUE_USHORT

image\sqrblit.gif T o set a long value, set the Type property to VALUE_LONG

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an integer value, set the Type property to VALUE_INT

Use the DoubleValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set a double value, set the Type property to VALUE_DOUBLE

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an unsigned long value, set the Type property to VALUE_ULONG

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an unsigned integer value, set the Type property to VALUE_UINT

Use the FloatValue property for the following value:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set a float value, set the Type property to VALUE_FLOAT

Use the BooleanValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set a Boolean value, set the Type property to VALUE_BOOLEAN

Use the StringValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set a string value, set the Type property to VALUE_STRING

Use the DispatchValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set dispatch value, set the Type property to VALUE_DISPATCH

Use the ShortItemValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an array of bytes, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_BYTE

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an array of short values, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_SHORT

Use the LongItemValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gifTo set an array of unsigned short values, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_USHORT

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an array of long values, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_LONG

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an array of integer values, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_INT

Use the DoubleItemValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an array of double values, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_DOUBLE

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an array of unsigned long values, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_ULONG

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an array of unsigned integer values, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_UINT

Use the FloatItemValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an array of float values, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_FLOAT

Use the BooleanItemValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an array of Boolean values, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_BOOLEAN

Use the StringItemValue property for the following values:

image\sqrblit.gif T o set an array of strings, set the Type property to VALUE_ARRAY_STRING

Please note that the Type property and the vType property contain the same information and serve the same purpose. However, in VB Script "Type" is a keyword, so the Type property does not work. In VB Script, you must use the vType property.

Before setting an array item value, you should specify the item count by setting the ItemCount property.

To get the last operation error, read the Error property value.

Use EnableMethodErrors property to determine whether you need to get error runtime exceptions or not.