Using ICC Profile Functionality

The ICC Profile format is defined by the International Color Consortium (ICC). For background on the origination and purpose of this format, refer to

Loading an ICC Profile

To load an ICC profile from an image file, call the LoadICCProfile method or the LoadICCProfile2 method. These methods fill the pData parameter with a pointer to one block of memory that contains the entire ICC profile. The only difference in these two methods is the data type of the pData parameter. The LoadICCProfile method loads the profile data into an ILEADRasterVariant object while the LoadICCProfile2 method loads the data into a VARIANT byte array.

Saving an ICC Profile

ICC profiles can be embedded in image files and loaded at a later date. An ICC profile can be saved, or embedded, in a TIFF, GIF or JPEG image file by calling the SaveICCProfile method or the SaveICCProfile2 method. Like the LoadICCProfile an LoadICCProfile2 methods, the SaveICCProfile and SaveICCProfile2 methods differ only in the data type of the pData parameter. The SaveICCProfile method saves the ICC profile data from an ILEADRasterVariant object to the file. The SaveICCProfile2 method saves the profile data from a VARIANT byte array to the file.