Annotation Toolbar

Note: This topic is for Document/Medical only.

LEADTOOLS provides properties, methods for creating and modifying an annotation toolbar.

To create the toolbar call the Create method.

To make the toolbar visible or invisible, set the Visible property.

The ToolbarhWnd property contains the handle to the window of the toolbar, and the ParenthWnd property contains the handle to the parent window of the toolbar.

The currently selected tool can be found in the Tool property.

Beginning with Version 14.5, two different toolbar styles are available, the original style and a new XP style.

The following figure displays a sample of the original style and the new style:

{bmc XPtoolbar.bmp]


In Version 14.5, you need to first enable the display of the XP style toolbar by calling the AnnSetOptions method with the ANN_OPTIONS_NEW_TOOLBAR flag set. For more information, refer to New Annotation Features of Version 14.5.

If you are using the new style annotation toolbar, the dimensions of the bitmap should be 24 by 24 pixels. The bitmap should be 32 bits per pixel (24 bits per pixel with an 8 bit alpha channel. Pixel values in the alpha channel range from 0x00 (completely transparent) to 0xFF (completely opaque).

For determining the number of toolbar buttons present and the orientation, use the following:

ButtonCount property

ButtonColumns property

ButtonRows property

To modify individual buttons on the toolbar, use the following:











Events associated with the toolbar:

AnnToolChecked event

AnnToolDestroy event