Compressing and Decompressing Buffers

ABIC Compression:

LEADTOOLS provides functionality for compressing and decompressing ABIC images in buffers.

To begin the compression process, call either the EncodeABIC method or the EncodeABIC2 method. These methods compress the input raw data to 1-bit bi-level or 4-bits grayscale data using the ABIC encoder. The EncodeABIC method compresses the input raw data of an ILEADRasterVariant object, while the EncodeABIC2 method compresses the input raw data of a VARIANT byte array.

To begin the decompression process, call either the DecodeABIC method or the DecodeABIC2 method. These methods decompress the input 1-bit bi-level or 4-bits grayscale ABIC raw data using the ABIC decoder.  The DecodeABIC method decompresses the input data of an ILEADRasterVariant object, while the DecodeABIC2 method decompresses the input data of a VARIANT byte array.