Obtaining Annotation Object Information


This topic is for Document/Medical only.

LEADTOOLS provides many functions that allow the user to extract information from annotation objects. Once that information has been extracted, it can be modified using any of a number of functions provided by LEADTOOLS.

The AnnEnumerate method is a special function that processes each object in a specified container using a designated callback function. Once an object is obtained, many of the functions listed below can be called to obtain the desired information.

The following functions are general in nature and apply to the majority of annotation objects. For more information, refer to the individual function's documentation.

AnnBoundingRectHeight property

AnnBoundingRectLeft property

AnnBoundingRectTop property

AnnBoundingRectWidth property

AnnGetBackColor method

AnnGetBitmapDpiX method


AnnGetContainer method

AnnGetFillMode method

AnnGetFillPattern method

AnnGetFontBold method

AnnGetFontItalic method

AnnGetFontName method

AnnGetFontSize method

AnnGetFontStrikeThrough method

AnnGetFontUnderline method

AnnGetForeColor method

AnnGetLineStyle method

AnnGetLineWidth method

AnnGetNameOptions method

AnnGetObjectFromTag method

AnnGetOffsetX method

AnnGetOffsetY method

AnnGetPredefinedMetafile method

AnnGetROP2 method

AnnGetSecondaryBitmap method

AnnGetSecondaryMetafile method

AnnGetSelectCount method

AnnGetSelected method

AnnGetSelectList method

AnnGetTag method

AnnGetText method

AnnGetTopContainer method

AnnGetType method

AnnGetUnit method

AnnGetUserData method

AnnGetUserHandle method

AnnGetUserHandles method

AnnGetVisible method

AnnGetWnd method

AnnPredefinedRaster property

AnnUserMode property

This next set of functions is more specialized, applying only to certain annotation objects. For more information, refer to the individual function's documentation.

AnnGetAngle method

AnnGetBitmap method

AnnGetBitmapDpiX method

AnnGetBitmapDpiY method

AnnGetDistance2 method

AnnGetDistance method

AnnGetEncryptOptions method

AnnGetGaugeLength method

AnnGetMetafile method

AnnGetNodes method

AnnGetPointCount method

AnnGetPointOptions method

AnnGetPolyFillMode method

AnnGetProtractorOptions method

AnnGetRgnHandle method

AnnGetSecondaryMetafile method

AnnGetShowFlags method

AnnGetTransparent method

AnnGetTransparentColor method

This final set of functions applies only to automation annotation objects.

AnnAutoCursor property

AnnAutoDialogFontSize property

AnnAutoDrawEnable property

AnnAutoHilightPen property

AnnAutoMenuEnable property

AnnAutoMenuItemEnable property

AnnGetAutoBackColor method

AnnGetAutoText method