
#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LAnnToolBar::FreeToolBarButtons(pButtons, uButtons)

pANNBUTTON pButtons;

/* array of buttons to include in the toolbar */

L_UINT uButtons;

/* number of buttons in the toolbar */

Frees the memory allocated by LAnnToolBar::GetToolBarButtons for the pButtons array. This function is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits.




An array of ANNBUTTON structures that contain information about the buttons in the annotation toolbar.


Number of buttons in the toolbar. (Number of entries in the pButtons array.)



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


LAnnotation::GetOptions, LAnnotation::SetOptions, LAnnToolBar::Create, LAnnToolBar::GetToolChecked, LAnnToolBar::SetToolChecked, LAnnToolBar::IsButtonVisible, LAnnToolBar::SetButtonVisible, LAnnToolBar::GetToolBarButtons, LAnnToolBar::SetToolBarButtons, LAnnToolBar::GetToolBarInfo, LAnnToolBar::SetToolBarColumns, LAnnToolBar::SetToolBarRows


Annotation Functions: Working with the Toolbar


Implementing Annotations


New Annotation Features of Version 14.5


//This example uses the following member variables:
// LAnnotationWindow m_AnnotationWindow
// m_AnnotationWindow should be created and initialized prior to the example
// LAnnToolBar m_annToolBar
// mAnnToolBar should be created and initialized prior to the example
void CVCAnnotationToolbar11Dlg::OnButtonToolbarTest()
   L_UINT uButtons;
   pANNBUTTON pButtons;
   L_INT nRet;
   HGLOBAL hGlobal;
   LBitmap myBitmap;

   //Assume declaration: LAnnToolBar m_annToolBar

   // get the number of buttons in the toolbar
   nRet = m_annToolBar.GetToolBarButtons(NULL,sizeof(ANNBUTTON), &uButtons);
   if (nRet == SUCCESS)
      // allocate an array big enough to hold the number of existing buttons + 1
      hGlobal = ::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, (uButtons+1)*sizeof(ANNBUTTON));
      pButtons = (pANNBUTTON)::GlobalLock(hGlobal);
      if (pButtons)
          // get the existing buttons
          nRet = m_annToolBar.GetToolBarButtons(pButtons,sizeof(ANNBUTTON), &uButtons);
          if (nRet == SUCCESS)
              // add a new user defined tool button
              pButtons[uButtons].uFlags = 0;
              pButtons[uButtons].uTool = ANNTOOL_USER;
              pButtons[uButtons].pBitmapUp = myBitmap.GetHandle();
              pButtons[uButtons].pBitmapDown = pButtons[uButtons].pBitmapUp;
              pButtons[uButtons].nToolTipTextID = -1;
              pButtons[uButtons].pToolTipText = TEXT("Tool Tip");

              m_annToolBar.SetToolBarButtons(pButtons, uButtons+1);

              // free uButtons
              m_annToolBar.FreeToolBarButtons(pButtons, uButtons);


            //Change the number of rows and columns
            ANNTOOLBARINFO annToolBarInfo;
            m_annToolBar.GetToolBarInfo(&annToolBarInfo, sizeof(annToolBarInfo));
            if (annToolBarInfo.uRows > 1)
               m_annToolBar.SetToolBarColumns(annToolBarInfo.uColumns + 1);
               // or do the line below
               //m_annToolBar.SetToolBarRows(annToolBarInfo.uRows -1);
            AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Error getting toolbar buttons."));
         AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Not enough memory to allocate pButtons."));
      AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Error getting uButtons."));