
#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_INT EXT_FUNCTION L_AnnSaveMemory(hObject, uFormat, fSelected, phMem, puMemSize, pSaveOptions)


/* handle to the root annotation */

L_UINT uFormat;

/* file format for saving annotation data */

L_BOOL fSelected;

/* flag that indicates which objects to save */


/* address of the memory handle */

L_UINT32 L_FAR * puMemSize;

/* address of the variable to be updated */


/* pointer to optional extended save options */

Saves the specified annotations to a file in memory. This function is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits.




Handle to the root annotation object that includes all objects to save in the file. This typically is a container object.


Format for saving annotation data. Possible values are:






[0x0000] Use LEAD's own format for annotations. NOTE: This format is being replaced by ANNFMT_XML.



[0x0001] Use the Windows WMF format.



[0x0002] Save all annotation properties, including those not supported by the Wang specification as an ANNTAG_TIFF tag.



[0x0003] Save only the annotation properties supported by the Wang specification as an ANNTAG_TIFF tag.



[0x0004] Save as a binary format. This file size is smaller and upward compatible. It also provides better security.



[0x0005] Save as an XML text format. This is LEAD’s new text based format which is upward compatible. It should be used instead of ANNFMT_NATIVE.


Flag that indicates which objects to save. Possible values are:






Save all objects that have the selected property set to TRUE. For getting and setting the selected property, use the L_AnnGetSelected and L_AnnSetSelected functions.



Save only the specified object.


Address of a variable to be updated with the memory handle. This function uses the handle to allocate the memory. It unlocks the memory upon completion of the save.


Address of a variable to be updated with the size of the file.


Pointer to a SAVEFILEOPTION structure that contains optional extended save options. This information is used to add annotation pages or replace annotation pages in a multi-page annotation file. Pass NULL to save a one page annotation file.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


In version 14.5, the new text based format ANNFMT_XML is being introduced. It has many advantages over ANNFMT_NATIVE and ANNFMT_ENCODED including:

image\sqrblit.gif Both forward and backward compatible.

image\sqrblit.gif It is human readable.

image\sqrblit.gif It can be easily modified using a standard text editor (i.e. notepad.exe).

image\sqrblit.gif It can be easily parsed using any standard XML parser.

image\sqrblit.gif It can be used with any of the growing number of utilities that work with XML.

Save annotations in the WMF format only for use in another application. LEADTOOLS reads annotations only in the native format.

To retain scaling and positioning information, this function always saves the root container, along with the specified object or selected objects. Use the hObject and fSelected parameters as follows:

image\sqrblit.gif To save the specified object, set hObject to that object and set fSelected to FALSE.

image\sqrblit.gif To save only selected objects in a container, set hObject to the container and set fSelected to TRUE.

image\sqrblit.gif To save all objects in a container, set hObject to the container and set fSelected to FALSE.

image\sqrblit.gif L_AnnSaveTag is an alternative to L_AnnSaveMemory and L_AnnSetTag, if you are going to save it as a TIF or WANG tag format

Both the ANNFMT_TIFFTAG and the ANNFMT_WANGTAG can be saved inside a TIFF file using L_SetTag with uTag set to ANNTAG_TIFF and uType set to TAG_BYTE.

To detect whether a TIF file has annotation information, you should call L_ReadFileTag and see if ANNTAG_TYPE is present.

If uFormat is ANNFMT_NATIVE, phMem is updated with a memory handle to the annotation file in memory.

If uFormat is ANNFMT_TIFFTAG or ANNFMT_WANGTAG, phMem is updated with a memory handle to the tag.

If you save a memory handle to a tag in TIF or WANG format, using L_AnnSaveMemory, you must write the memory handle to the tag into a file using L_SetTag and L_SaveBitmapMemory before you can load it using the L_AnnLoadMemory function.

If this function returns SUCCESS and phMem is updated with NULL, there are no annotations objects to save.

The information in the SAVEFILEOPTION structure can be used to add new pages or replace existing pages in a multi-page annotation file of type ANNFMT_NATIVE, ANNFMT_ENCODED or ANNFMT_XML. Note that all the pages of an annotation multi-page file must be all of type ANNFMT_NATIVE or all of type ANNFMT_ENCODED or all of type ANNFMT_XML. An annotation file cannot contain pages of different format types.

To insert new pages to an annotation multi-page file:


Declare a variable of type SAVEFILEOPTION.


Set the uFlags field of the SAVEFILEOPTION structure to ESO_INSERTPAGE.


Set the PageNumber field of the SAVEFILEOPTION structure to the location for insertion. The new page will be inserted in front of the page specified in the PageNumber field.

To replace an existing page in an annotation multi-page file:


Declare a variable of type SAVEFILEOPTION.


Set the uFlags field of the SAVEFILEOPTION structure to ESO_REPLACEPAGE.


Set the PageNumber field of the SAVEFILEOPTION structure to the page to replace.

To delete a page from an annotation multi-page file, use L_AnnDeletePage, L_AnnDeletePageMemory, L_AnnDeletePageOffset.

When adding or replacing an annotation page in an existing memory file, pass the address of a valid HGLOBAL hMem (non zero). When creating a new memory file, declare a variable of type HGLOBAL and set it to zero before passing the address to L_AnnSaveMemory.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Windows 95 / 98 / Me, Windows 2000 / XP.

See Also


L_AnnDeletePage, L_AnnDeletePageMemory, L_AnnDeletePageOffset, L_AnnFileInfo, L_AnnFileInfoMemory, L_AnnFileInfoOffset, L_AnnSave, L_AnnSaveOffset, L_AnnSaveTag, L_AnnSetOptions, L_AnnGetOptions


Annotation Files


Annotation Functions: Input and Output


Implementing Annotations


Implementing an Automated Annotation Program


Implementing a Non-automated Annotation Program


New Annotation Features of Version 14.5


For another example, refer to L_AnnFileInfoMemory.

void TestAnnSaveMem (HWND hWnd, HANNOBJECT hContainer)
   HANNOBJECT TmpContainer;   /* Temporary container for the annotations */
   HGLOBAL hTag;              /* Memory handle */
   L_UINT32 uMemSize;         /* Size of the data in memory */
   L_UCHAR L_FAR *pData;       /* Pointer to the data in memory */
   int nRet;
   HDC hdc;
   RECT rAnnBounds;
   RECT rAnnBoundsName;

   /* Load the initial annotations  */
   L_AnnLoad(TEXT("E:\\LEAD Technologies, Inc\\LEADTOOLS\\TEST.ANN"), &TmpContainer, NULL);
   /* Save the annotations as a TIFF TAG in memory */
   hTag = 0;
   L_AnnSaveMemory(TmpContainer, ANNFMT_TIFFTAG, FALSE, &hTag, &uMemSize, NULL);

   /* Get the pointer to the memory-resident tag */
   pData = (L_UCHAR L_FAR *) GlobalLock (hTag);

   /* Set the tag so when the bitmap is saved as TIFF, the tag
      is also saved */
   L_SetTag(ANNTAG_TIFF, TAG_BYTE, uMemSize, pData);

   /* Destroy the temporary container */
   L_AnnDestroy(&TmpContainer, ANNFLAG_RECURSE);

   /* Load the new file from memory  */
   nRet = L_AnnLoadMemory(pData, uMemSize, &TmpContainer, NULL);
   if (nRet == SUCCESS)
  /* Insert the annotations  into the main container, hContainer, so they will be active. */
  L_AnnInsert(hContainer, TmpContainer, TRUE);
  hdc = GetDC(hWnd);
  L_AnnGetBoundingRect(hContainer, &rAnnBounds, &rAnnBoundsName);
  L_AnnDraw(hdc, &rAnnBounds, hContainer);

   /* Clean up */
   GlobalUnlock (hTag);
   GlobalFree (hTag);