#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_INT pEXT_CALLBACK YourFunction (uRequiredSize, ppBuffer, pdwBufferSize, pUserData)

L_UINT32 uRequiredSize;

/* buffer size */

L_UCHAR ** ppBuffer;

/* address of a pointer to the buffer */

L_UINT32 L_FAR * pdwBufferSize;

/* pointer to a variable */

L_VOID L_FAR * pUserData;

/* pointer to additional parameters */

Provides input to the L_SaveFileBuffer or L_SaveBitmapBuffer function.




Minimum buffer size required to save the bitmap or file.


Address of a pointer to the buffer to save. The callback function allows the user to reallocate the buffer. When reallocating a buffer, the buffer address can change. This parameter should be updated with the new address of the reallocated buffer.


Pointer to a variable that contains the actual buffer size. For the bitmap or file to be saved, *pdwBufferSize must be greater than or equal to uRequiredSize.


A void pointer that can be used to access a variable or structure containing data that the callback function needs. This provides a way to receive data indirectly from the function that uses this callback function. (This is the same pointer passed in the pUserData parameter of the calling function.)


Keep in mind that this is a void pointer, which must be cast to the appropriate data type within the callback function.



The function was successful.


An error occurred.


This callback function is optional, but recommended. If the callback is not used, then the user must allocate a buffer that is large enough to hold the memory file. If the buffer is not large enough and the callback is not used, the function will fail.

If the user provides a callback function, it must reallocate the buffer to be at least uRequiredSize bytes. The ppBuffer parameter must be updated with the new buffer. The pdwBufferSize parameter must be updated with the size of the new buffer.

If the callback successfully reallocates the buffer, it should return SUCCESS.

If the callback fails to successfully reallocate the buffer, it should return FAILURE.

See Also


L_SaveFileBuffer, L_SaveBitmapBuffer


    L_UINT32         uRequiredSize,
    L_UCHAR          **ppBuffer,
    L_UINT32 L_FAR   *pdwBufferSize,
    pMYBUFFER         pMyBuffer
   L_UCHAR *pTempBuffer;
   L_INT nRet;
   L_TCHAR szMsg[400];
   pTempBuffer = (L_UCHAR )realloc(pMyBuffer->pBuffer, uRequiredSize);
   if (pTempBuffer)
      wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("
** Reallocate from\n\t[0x%x, %d] to\n\t[0x%x, %d]\n"), 
      //MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, TEXT(""), MB_OK);
      pMyBuffer->pBuffer = pTempBuffer;
      pMyBuffer->dwBufferSize = uRequiredSize;
      *ppBuffer = pMyBuffer->pBuffer;
      *pdwBufferSize = uRequiredSize;
      nRet = SUCCESS;
      nRet = FAILURE;
   return nRet;