ISAPI Example

Your web server must support ISAPI to use this example. Some web servers that support ISAPI are:

image\sqrblit.gif Microsoft Personal Web Server

image\sqrblit.gif Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

image\sqrblit.gif Microsoft Peer Web Services (IIS for Windows NT Workstation 4.0)

To use this example, you must create a directory of 31 images (any format supported by LEADTOOLS). The images must be named 1, 2, 3, etc. with no extension up to 31.

Compile this DLL, and place it in your IIS Server's scripts directory.

See the bottom of the source file for a sample HTML page that calls this ISAPI DLL. Or, use the sample page "ISAPI.HTM".

This ISAPI DLL can be called in two ways:


1) use the dll to return an IMG:

<IMG SRC="/scripts/ltisapi.dll">
will return a jpeg image corresponding to the day of the month

2) use the dll in an input form:

<form action="/scripts/ltisapi.dll?" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="MfcISAPICommand"
the text you want placed on the image: <input type="text"
size="20" name="MyText" value="XXXXX"> <input type="submit"
value="Submit"> </p>
will return a jpeg image corresponding to the day of the month with
the string "xxx" written on it.