InetSendSound Example for Visual Basic

' This example uses LEAD Capture control to capture audio from the microphone and send it to
' a remote computer. For an example of starting and stopping recording, refer to the LEAD Capture
' control documentation.

Private Sub StartRecord_Click()
   ' the capture doesn't have to be connected to use the following functions
   LEADCap1.CapAudioFormat(CAP_AUDIO_RECORD) = FILE_WAV_1M08
   ' open recording device
   LEADCap1.CapOpenRecord 0, 2, LEADCap1.CapWaveAvgBytesPerSec(CAP_AUDIO_RECORD)
End Sub

Private Sub LEADCap1_CapAudioData(ByVal pData As Variant, ByVal lBytesRecorded As Long, ByVal iIndex As Integer)
   ' send sound to remote computer (items in SendList property)
   ' you should be connected to a remote computer first by using the
   ' InetConnect method of the Internet COM
   Dim RasterVar1 As LEADRasterVariant
   Dim RasterVar2 As LEADRasterVariant
   Dim pExtraData As Variant
   Dim size As Integer, i As Integer

   vExtraData = LEADCap1.CapWaveExtraData(CAP_AUDIO_RECORD)

   If VarType(vExtraData) = vbArray Or vbByte Then
      RasterVar1.Type = VALUE_ARRAY_BYTE
      size = UBound(vExtraData) - LBound(vExtraData) + 1
      Dim LArray(size) As Byte
      LArray = vExtraData
      RasterVar1.ItemCount = size
      For i = 0 To i < size - 1 Step 1
         RasterVar1.ShortItemValue(i) = Array(i)
      Next i

   ElseIf VarType(vExtraData) = vbString Then
      RasterVar1.Type = VALUE_STRING
      RasterVar1.StringValue = vExtraData

      Exit Sub
   End If

   If VarType(pData) = vbArray Or vbByte Then
      RasterVar2.Type = VALUE_ARRAY_BYTE
      size = UBound(pData) - LBound(pData) + 1
      Dim LArray(size) As Byte
      LArray = pData
      RasterVar2.ItemCount = size
      For i = 0 To i < size - 1 Step 1
         RasterVar2.ShortItemValue(i) = Array(i)
      Next i

   ElseIf VarType(pData) = vbString Then
      RasterVar2.Type = VALUE_STRING
      RasterVar2.StringValue = pData

      Exit Sub
   End If

   LEADClient.InetSendSound LEADCap1.CapWaveFormatTag(CAP_AUDIO_RECORD), LEADCap1.CapWaveChannels(CAP_AUDIO_RECORD), _
   LEADCap1.CapWaveSamplesPerSec(CAP_AUDIO_RECORD), LEADCap1.CapWaveAvgBytesPerSec(CAP_AUDIO_RECORD), _
   LEADCap1.CapWaveBlockAlign(CAP_AUDIO_RECORD), LEADCap1.CapWaveBitsPerSample(CAP_AUDIO_RECORD), _
   LEADCap1.CapWaveExtraSize(CAP_AUDIO_RECORD), RasterVar1, RasterVar2, lBytesRecorded

End Sub