Working with Internet Functionality
 Sending and Receiving Data

InetClearQueue method

InetDataSent event

InetGetData method

InetGetHostName method

InetGetMagGlassData method

InetHostName property

InetQueueSize property

InetReceiveBitmap event

InetReceiveData event

InetReceiveSound event

InetReceiveStart event

InetReceiving event

InetSendBitmap method

InetSendData method

InetSendDIB method

InetSending event

InetSendSound method

SendList property

SendListNum property

InetSendData2 method

InetSendSound2 method

InetGetData2 method

InetGetMagGlassData2 method

InetReceiveData2 event

InetReceiveSound2 event