InetReceiveRsp event (ILEADRasterInet)

Visual Basic Example

Visual C++ 5.0 Example



void InetReceiveRsp (short iComputer, InetCmdType Command, long nCommandID, short nError, short nStatus, ILEADRasterInetPacket Params, long nExtraDataSize, ILEADRasterVariant* ExtraData);


Refer to Sending Commands and Responses


(Internet only) Occurs when a computer receives a response from a remote computer.


The parameters (Params) and the extra data (ExtraData) for this response are not the parameters of the original command! They are only sent if this response needs to send some data to the computer that originally sent the command. An example of a response that needs to send a parameter back is the response for the CMD_CREATE_WIN command. In this case, the response will need to send back the window handle of the newly created window. Most of the responses will only send back the status of the command (nStatus).

The string parameters and ExtraData are only valid during this call. Do not free this data and don’t try to keep references to the strings. If the data is needed outside this event, allocate buffers and copy the data into them.

See Also


InetReceiveCmd event, InetSendRsp method, InetSendLoadRsp method, InetSendSaveRsp method, InetSendCreateWinRsp method, InetSendAttachBitmapRsp method, InetSendSizeWinRsp method, InetSendCloseWinRsp method, InetSendShowWinRsp method, InetSendSetRectRsp method, InetSendFreeBitmapRsp method, InetSendGetMagGlassDataCmd method, InetSendGetMagGlassDataRsp method


Working with Internet Functionality: Response Messages


Client-Server Diagram: Sending Commands and Responses