Image Format Import/Export filters

LEADTOOLS provides support for over 60 of the most popular raster image file formats and flavors.

Here is a list of some of the file formats and some of the flavors LEAD supports: JPEG, DICOM, FlashPix (FPX), Fuji Exif 2.0 (EXF), Adobe PhotoShop (PSD), Kodak PhotoCD PCD, EPS, IOCA, MODCA, CALS raster (CAL), Windows Icon (ICO), Windows Cursor (CUR), PC Paintbrush (PCX), Multipage PCX (DCX), IMG, Windows DIB, FAXraw, Winfax (WFX), MAC, VDA, GIF (Embedded Text, Animated, Interlaced, Transparency), CompuServe PNG, Targa (TGA), Sun Raster (RAS), Macintosh PICT (PCT), LEAD CMP, Windows BMP, OS/2 BMP, Microsoft FAX (AWD), Windows Metafile (WMF), WordPerfect (WPG), AVI, Microsoft Paint (MSP), TIFF 6.0 (MPT, JPEG, Packbits, Huffman, RLE, LZW, CMYK, CCITT, CCITT G31D, CCITT G32D, CCITT G4, Bitonal, Grayscale, Palletized, RGB, YCbCr, CIELAB).

LEAD is constantly adding the support for new file formats, and "flavor" support to formats already supported. The extensive format support provided by LEADTOOLS will give your application the flexibility to support almost any image you encounter.

Visit LEAD’s website at for a complete list of LEADTOOLS’ file format support.

(Note: a separate patent license from Unisys is required to use the GIF and TIFF LZW filters)