How to Program with the LInetHttp Class

The LEADTOOLS LInetHttp class functions allow you to connect to Internet servers and issue requests. These functions allow you to interact with Internet servers without requiring the use of an Internet Browser.

The first step in working with an Internet server is to connect to the desired server. A connection can be established when a class object is created using the LInetHttp::LInetHttp constructor, or by calling LInetHttp::Connect. After connecting with the Internet server, designate what page, cgi script, asp script, file, or executable will be the target of the request to the server. Once the target has been decided, call LInetHttp::OpenRequest to open the request to the server. No data can be sent to the Internet server without first calling LInetHttp::OpenRequest.

After a valid request has been opened, several actions can be taken. Simulate a user sending a form to the sever with LInetHttp::SendForm. Send raw data using LInetHttp::SendData. Finally, send a bitmap with LInetHttp::SendBitmap. If it is not necessary to send any particular data, the LInetHttp::SendRequest function can be used to send your request.

Once the request has been sent to the Internet server, the status can be retrieved using LInetHttp::GetServerStatus. If the server sent any data in its response, LInetHttp::GetResponse can be used to get the response data.

After the request is finished, call LInetHttp::CloseRequest to close the request. When no more requests are needed, call LInetHttp::Disconnect to disconnect from the Internet server