GetBitmapListValue method

Delphi example

C++Builder example


Builder Syntax

int __fastcall GetBitmapListValue(Cardinal uIndex, Cardinal uCount , int nBitsPerPixel, int nOrder);

Delphi Syntax

function GetBitmapListValue(uIndex, uCount: Cardinal; nBitsPerPixel, nOrder: Integer): Integer;


Refer to Working with Data Sets.


Updates the BitmapList property with the image list associated with the Pixel Data Element specified by the CurrentElement property. If the CurrentElement property is Nil (NULL), this method updates the BitmapList property with all the images present in the Data Set.

As an example, if you wish to load 50 images starting with the 50th frame in the Pixel Data, call this function with uIndex set to 49 (the 50th frame in a zero-based index) and nCount set to 50.

For a table of possible Compression, Photometric, BitsPerPixel, and Quality Factor combinations, refer to Compression Table.

See Also


BitmapList property, SetBitmapListValue method