DateTimeValueCount property

Delphi example

C++Builder example


Builder Syntax

Cardinal DateTimeValueCount

Delphi Syntax

DateTimeValueCount: Cardinal


Refer to Working with Data Sets.


Contains the number of date-time values in the DateTimeValues property.

If you are retrieving date-time values associated with the element specified in the CurrentElement property, calling the GetDateTimeValue method updates this property with the number of date-time values associated with the specified element.

If you are setting date-time values associated with the element specified in the CurrentElement property, you can set the DateTimeValueCount property to allocate storage for the DateTimeValues array property, prior to setting the date-time values using SetDateTimeValue.

Set this property to 0 at any time to free the memory used for the DateTimeValues property.

See Also


DateTimeValues property, GetDateTimeValue method, SetDateTimeValue method