LoadDSArray Example for Visual Basic

Private Sub TestLoadDSArray()
   Dim FileName As String
   Dim FileSize
   Dim Ret As Integer
   Dim factory As New LEADDicomFactory
   Dim kernel As LEADDicomKernel
   Dim szLic As String
   Dim szClass As String

   'These two variables should have the same scope
   Dim LeadDicomDS As LeadDicomDS
   Dim DataBuffer() As Byte

   'Create the DICOM kernel object and unlock support
   szLic = "LEADTOOLS OCX Copyright (c) 1991-2005 LEAD Technologies, Inc."
   Set kernel = factory.CreateObject("LEADDicomKernel.LEADDicomKernel", szLic)
   kernel.EnableMethodErrors = False
   'Make sure to replace L_KEY_MEDICAL with your key
   kernel.UnlockSupport L_SUPPORT_MEDICAL, L_KEY_MEDICAL
   If (kernel.IsSupportLocked(L_SUPPORT_DICOM)) Then
      MsgBox "Unlock Failed!"
      Exit Sub
   End If
   'Create the DICOM dataset object
   Set LeadDicomDS = factory.CreateObject("LEADDicomDS.LEADDicomDS", szLic)
   LeadDicomDS.EnableMethodErrors = False
   'We will simulate loading from array by reading a
   'physical DICOM file into a byte array and then loading it
   FileName = "D:\Program Files\LEAD Technologies, Inc\LEADTOOLS14\Images\IMAGE2.dic"
   'File length
   FileSize = FileLen(FileName)
   If FileSize = 0 Then
      Exit Sub
   End If
   'Allocate a buffer to hold the file data
   ReDim DataBuffer(FileSize)
   'Open the file in binary mode
   Open FileName For Binary Access Read As #1
   Get #1, , DataBuffer
   'Load DICOM file from byte array
   Ret = LeadDicomDS.LoadDSArray(DataBuffer, 0)
   If Ret <> DICOM_SUCCESS Then
      MsgBox "Error " & CStr(Ret) & " loading file!"
   End If

Close #1
   'Get the info about this DICOM dataset
   LeadDicomDS.FindClassIOD LeadDicomDS.InfoClass
   szClass = LeadDicomDS.CurrentIOD.Name
   MsgBox "Class: " & szClass

End Sub