InsertIOD Example for VB.NET

'LEADDICOM1 is a DICOM Dataset defined outside this method
Private Sub TestInsertIOD(bChild As Boolean)
   Dim bInsert As Boolean
   Dim lCode As Integer
   Dim nType As Short
   Dim hIOD As Integer
   Dim hTemp As Integer
   Dim nRet As Short

   bInsert = False

   LEADDICOM1.EnableMethodErrors = True


   lCode = 1048593
   nType = LTDICLib.DicomIODTypeConstants.DICOM_IOD_TYPE_CLASS
   'store current IOD

   LEADDICOM1.EnableMethodErrors = False

   'does an IOD already exist on the target level?
   If (bChild = True) Then
      'if the current IOD has a child, move to that child's level
      nRet = LEADDICOM1.MoveChildIOD
      If (nRet <> 0) Then
         'no children, so insert is OK
         bInsert = True
         'check the child's level to see if target IOD already exists
         hTemp = LEADDICOM1.CurrentIOD.hIOD
         nRet = LEADDICOM1.FindIOD(lCode, nType, True)
         If (nRet <> 0) Then
            bInsert = True
         End If
         'move back to parent level
      End If
      'check the current IOD's level
      nRet = LEADDICOM1.FindIOD(lCode, nType, True)
      If (nRet <> 0) Then
         bInsert = True
      End If
   End If

   LEADDICOM1.EnableMethodErrors = True

   'allow user to insert item at the same level as the current or as child
   If (bInsert = True) Then
      LEADDICOM1.InsertIOD(bChild, nType, lCode, "My Test IOD", 5, "Test Description")
      MessageBox.Show("Already exists")
   End If
   Exit Sub


LEADDICOM1.EnableMethodErrors = True

End Sub