GetLayerImageRefInstanceUID method (ILEADDicomDS Interface)

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BSTR GetLayerImageRefInstanceUID(long lImageIndex);


Refer to Working with DICOM Annotations


The GetLayerImageRefInstanceUID method returns the SOP Instance UID of an Image SOP Instance referenced by the "Referenced Image Sequence" (0008,1140) that belongs to one of the Items (the one specified by the CurrentElement property) under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".

The "Graphic Annotation Sequence" Item should be specified by the CurrentElement property when calling the method.

The FindFirstGraphicAnnItem method and the MoveNextGraphicAnnItem method can be used to enumerate all the Items under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" in the "Graphic Annotation Module".

See Also


AddLayerImageRef method, GetLayerImageRefCount method, RemoveLayerImageRef method, FindLayerRefImageItem method, GetPresStateImageRefCount method, FindFirstGraphicAnnItem method, MoveNextGraphicAnnItem method


ILEADDicomDS Interface, IDicomTextObjectAttributes Interface


Dicom Annotations: Layers