DefaultContextGroup method (ILEADDicomDS Interface)

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short DefaultContextGroup(VARIANT_BOOL bDefaultAll);


Refer to Working with Context Groups.


The DefaultContextGroup method restores the Context Group specified by the CurrentContextGroup property to the default values as stored in the internal table maintained by LEADTOOLS. If the parameter bDefaultAll is set to VARIANT_TRUE, the method will restore all the Context Groups in the Context Group Table.

LEADTOOLS maintains an internal table of the Context Groups defined by the DICOM Content Mapping Resource (DCMR). Use the LoadContextGroup method to load Context Groups from this table into the Context Group Table. After a Context Group loaded, its Coded Concepts can be deleted, their Code Meanings can be modified, and new Concepts can be added to the Group. Use the DefaultContextGroup method to discard all the changes made to the Context Group.

If the internal table doesn’t contain a Context Group with the same Context ID as that of the Context Group specified by the CurrentContextGroup property, the method will just return successfully without affecting the Context Group.

See Also


CurrentContextGroup property, LoadContextGroup method, ResetContextGroup method, DeleteContextGroup method, DeleteCodedConcept method, SetCodedConceptCodeMeaning method, InsertCodedConcept method


ILEADDicomDS Interface, IDicomContextGroup Interface, IDicomCodedConcept Interface, Working with the DicomContextGroup Object, Working with the DicomCodedConcept Object, Context Identifiers