GetWindowAttributes method (ILEADDicomDS Interface)

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C# example

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



short GetWindowAttributes(long lWindowIndex, long lFlags);


Refer to LUT Encoding.


The GetWindowAttributes method updates the properties specified by the WindowAttributes property with the values of the attributes that describe the specified window.

The "Window Center" (0028,1050) and "Window Width" (0028,1051) specify a linear conversion from stored pixel values (after any modality LUT or rescale slope and intercept specified in the IOD have been applied) to values to be displayed. Please see the "VOI LUT Module Attributes" in the DICOM standard for more details.

The method will fail and return DICOM_ERROR_PARAMETER if the window count (number of values under the Window Center element) equals 0 or if the parameter lWindowIndex is greater than or equal to the window count (which is specified by the WindowCount property). The index specified by the parameter lWindowIndex is zero-based. If you pass 0 for example the method will populate the WindowCenter property with the first value under the "Window Center" (0028,1050) element, the WindowWidth property with the first value under the "Window Width" (0028,1051) element, and the WindowCWExplanation property with the value of the "Window Center & Width Explanation" (0028,1055) element if it exists.

See Also


WindowCount property, WindowAttributes property, SetWindowAttributes method, DeleteWindow method, GetVOILUTAttributes method, GetVOILUTData method


Lookup Tables