GetOverlayAttributes method (ILEADDicomDS Interface)

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Visual C++ 6.0 example



short GetOverlayAttributes(long lOverlayIndex, long lFlags);


Refer to Overlays Overview.


The GetOverlayAttributes method updates the properties specified by the OverlayAttributes property with the values of the attributes of the specified overlay.

Most of the properties specified by the OverlayAttributes property are based on the Attributes of the Overlay Plane Module in the DICOM Standard.

If the overlay data is embedded in the "Image Pixel Data" (7FE0,0010), the flag DICOM_OVERLAY_USEBITPLANE will be set inside the ILEADOverlayAttributes::Flags property. If this flag is not set then the overlay data is stored in the "Overlay Data" (60xx,3000) element and in this case you can call the GetOverlayBitmap method to get the data for that overlay.

The ILEADOverlayAttributes::OriginX property and the ILEADOverlayAttributes::OriginY property will hold the value of the "Overlay Origin" (60xx,0050) element; however, the upper left pixel of the image will have the coordinate 0\0, instead of 1\1 (as in the DICOM standard).

The Color property will always be set to black by the method.

For multi-frame overlays, the method will update the ILEADOverlayAttributes::NumberFramesInOverlay property with the value of "Number of Frames in Overlay" (60xx,0015) element and the ILEADOverlayAttributes::ImageFrameOrigin property with the value of "Image Frame Origin" (60xx,0051) element.

The ILEADOverlayAttributes::ActivationLayer property will be updated with the value of the element "Overlay Activation Layer" (60xx,1001). (The same value can also be obtained directly by accessing the OverlayActivationLayer property.)

See Also


OverlayCount property, OverlayAttributes property, SetOverlayAttributes method, OverlayGroupNumber property, IsOverlayInDataSet method, OverlayActivationLayer property, GetOverlayBitmap method, GetOverlayBitmapList method

