NetReceiveAssociateAccept event (ILEADDicomNet)

VB.NET example

C# example

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



void NetReceiveAssociateAccept (long hNet, long hPDU);


Refer to Working with DICOM Network Connections.


(Medical Imaging Suite only) Notifies a connection that an Associate Accept message was received.

This event is generated on an SCU when an SCP calls the SendAssociateAccept method.

A DICOM Association must be established between an SCU and an SCP before any DICOM messages or data can be transmitted between them. For more information on creating a DICOM Association, refer to Creating a DICOM Associate Connection.

When a DICOM Associate Connection is no longer needed, the connection should be closed. For more information, refer to Closing a DICOM Associate Connection.

See Also


SendAssociateAccept method, SendAssociateReject method, SendAssociateRequest method, NetReceiveAssociateReject event, NetReceiveAssociateRequest event


Creating a DICOM Associate Connection


Creating an SCU


DICOM Network Connection: DICOM Associate Connection Messages