NetConnect event (ILEADDicomNet)

VB.NET example

C# example

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



void NetConnect (long hNet, short nStatus);


Refer to Working with DICOM Network Connections.


(Medical Imaging Suite only) Notifies the SCU that the connection attempt is complete.

This event is generated on an SCU when an SCP calls the Accept method. It is generated whether or not the connection attempt is successful. It is also generated when a connection attempt has timed out.

A DICOM Association must be established between an SCU and an SCP before any DICOM messages or data can be transmitted between them. For more information on creating a DICOM Association, refer to Creating a DICOM Associate Connection.

See Also


Connect method, Accept method, NetAccept event


DICOM Network Connection: Creating a Network Connection