GetShortValue method (ILEADDicomDS)

VB.NET example

C# example

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 6.0 example



short GetShortValue ( long lIndex, long lCount );


Refer to Working with Data Sets.


Updates the ShortValues property with the short value(s) associated with the item specified in the CurrentElement property. This method also updates the ShortValueCount property to lCount, where lCount is the number of short values to get.

If you call this method with lCount greater than the number of short values in the Value Field of the specified item, this method will return an error. For example, if there are only three short values in the Value Field and you call this method with lCount set to four, an error will be returned.

If you have more than one value stored in the Value Field of the specified Data Element, you can retrieve one or more of those elements. For example, if the Value Field of the specified Data Element contains three short values, and you are only interested in retrieving the last two short values, set lIndex to 1 and lCount to 2. This tells the method to retrieve the short values starting at position 1 (the index is zero based) and retrieve two values. Therefore you would retrieve the values in positions 1 and 2 in the Value Field.

This method can be called only if the Value Representation of the Data Element is VR_OW, VR_SS, or VR_US. For more information about Value Representations, refer to Default Value Representation Table.

See Also


GetAgeValue method, GetBinaryValue method, GetCharValue method, GetLongValue method, GetFloatValue method, GetDoubleValue method, GetDateValue method, GetStringValue method, GetDateTimeValue method, GetTimeValue method


Data Sets: Getting and Setting Data Element Values