Working with the DicomPresStateAttributes Object

The PresStateAttributes property returns a reference to the DicomPresStateAttributes object. This object exposes the IDicomPresStateAttributes interface which defines properties for the attributes that describe the "Presentation State Module" and which specifies the following properties:

image\sqrblit.gif InstanceNumber property: This property specifies the value of the "Instance Number" (0020,0013) element.

image\sqrblit.gif PresCreationDate property: This property specifies the value of the "Presentation Creation Date" (0070,0082) element.

image\sqrblit.gif PresCreationTime property: This property specifies the value of the "Presentation Creation Time" (0070,0083) element.

image\sqrblit.gif PresCreatorName property: This property specifies the value of the "Presentation Creator’s Name" (0070,0084) element.

image\sqrblit.gif PresDescription property: This property specifies the value of the "Presentation Description" (0070,0081) element.

image\sqrblit.gif PresLabel property: This property specifies the value of the "Presentation Label" (0070,0080) element.