Working With The LImageBox Object

When the Print SCP is requested to create a Film Box, it will also create one or more Image Boxes. For each Image Box created, an LImageBox object is added to the collection. The ILImageBox interface, which is exposed by the LImageBox object, defines the following properties and method to handle the Image Box:


image\sqrblit.gif Update method. This method requests the Print SCP to update the Image Box.


image\sqrblit.gif ConfigurationInformation property: This property specifies the Configuration Information (2010,0150).

image\sqrblit.gif ImageFilename property: This property specifies the name of the Data Set file that contains the image to be printed in the Image Box.

image\sqrblit.gif ImagePosition property: This property specifies the Image Position (2020,0010).

image\sqrblit.gif IncludedParameters property: This property specifies the parameters to be included when updating the Image Box.

image\sqrblit.gif MagnificationType property: This property specifies the Magnification Type (2010,0060).

image\sqrblit.gif MainObject property: This property returns a reference to the ILEADDicomPrintSCU object.

image\sqrblit.gif MaxDensity property: This property specifies the Max Density (2010,0130).

image\sqrblit.gif MinDensity property: This property specifies the Min Density (2010,0120).

image\sqrblit.gif Polarity property: This property specifies the Polarity (2020,0020).

image\sqrblit.gif RefImageOverlayBoxInstanceUID property: This property specifies the SOP Instance UID of a previously created Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance to be referenced by the Image Box.

image\sqrblit.gif RefPresLUTInstanceUID property: This property specifies the SOP Instance UID of a previously created Presentation LUT SOP Instance to be referenced by the Image Box.

image\sqrblit.gif RequestedDecimateCropBehavior property: This property specifies the Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior (2020,0040).

image\sqrblit.gif RequestedImageSize property: This property specifies the Requested Image Size (2020,0030).

image\sqrblit.gif SmoothingType property: This property specifies the Smoothing Type (2010,0080).)

image\sqrblit.gif SOPInstanceUID property: This property specifies the SOP Instance UID of the Image Box.

For example, the image to be printed in the Image Box can be specified using the Update methodof the ILImageBox interface.