Unlocking DICOM Support

Extensive DICOM file format support is unlocked in a number of ways using UnlockSupport. UnlockSupport must be called with the key found on the toolkit certificate, which will be e-mailed to you.

DICOM file format support can be unlocked by calling UnlockSupport (L_SUPPORT_DICOM, "key"), UnlockSupport (L_SUPPORT_MEDICAL, "key") or (L_SUPPORT_MEDICAL_NET, "key"), or UnlockSupport"), depending on the toolkit the user has purchased.

To unlock DICOM unsecure communication support (available only in select LEAD products), UnlockSupport must be called with the key found on the toolkit certificate. UnlockSupport(L_SUPPORT_MEDICAL_NET, "Medical Imaging Net key") tells the package to unlock DICOM file format support, all Medical features, and the unsecure DICOM Communication support. The key is passed for verification. For more information about required files, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

To determine whether support is locked or not, use the IsSupportLocked method.