SetMaxCommBlockLengthISCL Example for C#

//LEADDICOMNet1 is a predefined LEADDicomNet object
private void TestSetMaxCommBlockLengthISCL ( )
   int nBlockLen = 0;
   LEADDICOMNet1.NetworkSecurityMode = (int)LTDNCLib.DicomSecurityModes.DICOM_SECURE_ISCL;
   LEADDICOMNet1.SetMaxCommBlockLengthISCL(LEADDICOMNet1.hNet, 8160);
   // size of the blocks sent to network layer will be 8192 bytes (a 32-byte header is added)
   // other initializations...
   LEADDICOMNet1.Connect("", 0, "", 2761);
   //connect to a server running on local computer at port 2761
   nBlockLen = LEADDICOMNet1.GetCommBlockLengthISCL(LEADDICOMNet1.hNet);
   MessageBox.Show("Negotiated communication block size is" + nBlockLen);