Performing Pull Stored Print Management Example for C#

//Performing Pull Stored Print Management Example
private void PerformPullStoredPM()
   // Establish the Association
   short nRet = 0;
   if (nRet == (short)LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_ERROR_PRINTSCU_ASSOCIATE_RQ_REJECTED)
      MessageBox.Show("Source = " + objPrintSCU.AssociateRejectSource + ", " + "Reason = " + objPrintSCU.AssociateRejectReason, "Association Request was Rejected");
   else   if (nRet != (short)LTDicomKernelLib.DicomErrorCodes.DICOM_SUCCESS)
      MessageBox.Show("Error code: " + nRet, "Failed to Establish the Association");
   // Display some printer info
   //GetPrinterInfo objPrintSCU
   // Display some printer configuration info
   //GetPrinterConfigInfo objPrintSCU
   // A referenced Stored Print Storage SOP Instance;
   objPrintSCU.PullPrintRequest.AddStoredPrintItem("SomeAE", "1.2.840.114257.254.7638.6787", "1.2.840.114257.945.5676.5674", "1.2.840.114257.23.2343.3489", "SomeID");
   // Ask the Print SCP to create a Pull Print Request SOP Instance
   objPrintSCU.PullPrintRequest.IncludedParameters = LTDICPRNSCULib.PullPrintRequestParameterEnum.PPR_NUMBER_OF_COPIES;
   objPrintSCU.PullPrintRequest.NumberOfCopies = 1;
   MessageBox.Show(objPrintSCU.PullPrintRequest.SOPInstanceUID, "Pull Print Request SOP Instance UID");
   // Print the session
   // Display some info about the Print Job
   if (objPrintSCU.PullPrintRequest.MainObject.IsClassSupported(LTDICPRNSCULib.DicomClassEnum.PRNSCU_PRINT_JOB_SOP_CLASS))
      //GetPrintJobInfo objPrintSCU, .PrintJobSOPInstanceUID
   // Ask the Print SCP to delete the Pull Print Request SOP Instance
   // Release the Association and close the connection