
#include "Ltdic.h"

L_CHAR * LDicomDS::GetCharValue(pElement, nIndex, nCount)


/* pointer to a DICOMELEMENT structure */

L_UINT32 nIndex;

/* index used when multiple values are stored */

L_UINT32 nCount;

/* the number of values to retrieve */

Returns a pointer to a char value, stored in the value field, of the specified element.




Pointer to a DICOMELEMENT structure within the Data Set.


Index value that indicates which value to retrieve when more than one value is stored in the Value Field. The index is zero-based.


Value that indicates the number of values to retrieve when more than one value is stored in the Value Field. In most instances you will only retrieve one value so this parameter will be one.



A pointer to a char stored in the Value Field of the specified Data Element.


The length of the Value Field is 0, the function was called for the incorrect VR type, or the function was called for a folder (sequence) element.


If you have more than one value stored in the Value Field of the specified Data Element, you can retrieve one or more than one of those elements. For example, if the Value Field of the specified Data Element contains three character values, and you are only interested in retrieving the last two character values, set nIndex to 1 and nCount to 2. This tells the funtion to retrieve the character values starting at position 1 (the index is zero based) and retrieve two values. Therefore you would retrieve the values in positions 1 and 2 in the Value Field.

This function can be called only if the Value Representation of the Data Element is VR_OB, VR_SQ, or VR_UN. For more information about Value Representations, refer to Default Value Representation Table.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application

See Also


LDicomDS::GetBinaryValue, LDicomDS::GetShortValue, LDicomDS::GetLongValue, LDicomDS::GetFloatValue, LDicomDS::GetDoubleValue, LDicomDS::GetStringValue, LDicomDS::GetAgeValue, LDicomDS::GetDateValue, LDicomDS::GetTimeValue, LDicomDS::GetDateTimeValue


Working with Data Sets


/* This example gets the value for an element */

L_VOID ShowValue(CListBox *pDlg, LDicomDS *pDS, pDICOMELEMENT pElement)
   L_INT32         i;
   L_INT32         nCount;
   L_CHAR          szText[256];
   L_CHAR         *pChar;
   L_INT16        *pShort;
   L_INT32        *pLong;
   L_FLOAT        *pFloat;
   L_DOUBLE       *pDouble;
   pVALUEAGE       pAge;
   pVALUEDATE      pDate;
   pVALUETIME      pTime;

   nCount = pDS->GetCountValue(pElement);

   if (((pElement->nLength == ELEMENT_LENGTH_MAX)) || 
        (pElement->nLength > 1024) || 
        (nCount == 0))

   switch (pElement->nVR)
   case VR_OB:    // Other Byte String
   case VR_UN:    // Unknown
      pChar = pDS->GetCharValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%02X", (L_UCHAR)pChar[i]);

   case VR_SS:    // Signed Short
      pShort = pDS->GetShortValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%d", pShort[i]);

   case VR_US:    // Unsigned Short
   case VR_OW:    // Other Word String
      pShort = pDS->GetShortValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%u", (L_UINT16)pShort[i]);

   case VR_SL:    // Signed Long
   case VR_IS:    // Integer String
      pLong = pDS->GetLongValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%ld", pLong[i]);
   case VR_UL:    // Unsigned Long
      pLong = pDS->GetLongValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%lu", (L_UINT32)pLong[i]);
   case VR_AT:    // Attribute Tag
      pLong = pDS->GetLongValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%04X:%04X", GETGROUP((L_UINT32)pLong[i]),

   case VR_FL:    // Floating Point Single
      pFloat = pDS->GetFloatValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%f", pFloat[i]);

   case VR_FD:    // Floating Point Double
   case VR_DS:    // Decimal String
      pDouble = pDS->GetDoubleValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%f", pDouble[i]);

   case VR_CS:    // Code String
   case VR_SH:    // Short String
   case VR_LO:    // Long String
   case VR_AE:    // Application Entity
   case VR_LT:    // Long Text
   case VR_ST:    // Short Text
   case VR_UI:    // Unique Identifier
   case VR_UT:    // Unlimited Text
   case VR_PN:    // Person Name
      pChar = pDS->GetStringValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         pChar = pChar + strlen(pChar) + 1;

   case VR_AS:    // Age String
      pAge = pDS->GetAgeValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%u ", pAge[i].nNumber);
         switch (pAge[i].nReference)
         case VALUE_AGE_DAYS:
            strcat(szText, "days");
         case VALUE_AGE_WEEKS:
            strcat(szText, "weeks");
         case VALUE_AGE_MONTHS:
            strcat(szText, "months");
         case VALUE_AGE_YEARS:
            strcat(szText, "years");

   case VR_DA:    // Date
      pDate = pDS->GetDateValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%02u/%02u/%u", pDate[i].nMonth, pDate[i].nDay, pDate[i].nYear);

   case VR_TM:    // Time
      pTime = pDS->GetTimeValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%02u:%02u:%u.%lu", pTime[i].nHours, pTime[i].nMinutes,
                                              pTime[i].nSeconds, pTime[i].nFractions);

   case VR_DT:    // Date Time
      pDateTime = pDS->GetDateTimeValue(pElement, 0, nCount);
      for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
         wsprintf(szText, "%d  %02u/%02u/%u  %02u:%02u:%u.%lu&%lu", 
                          pDateTime[i].nMonth, pDateTime[i].nDay,
                          pDateTime[i].nYear, pDateTime[i].nHours, pDateTime[i].nMinutes,
                          pDateTime[i].nSeconds, pDateTime[i].nFractions, 


L_VOID Test(CListBox *pDlg)
   LDicomDS      *pDS;
   pDICOMELEMENT  pElement;

   pDS = new LDicomDS(NULL);

   pDS->LoadDS("c:\\ltwin13\\images\\image1.dic", 0);
   pElement = pDS->FindFirstElement(NULL, TAG_PATIENT_NAME, FALSE);
   if (pElement != NULL)
      ShowValue(pDlg, pDS, pElement);

   delete pDS;