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Recapping Microsoft Build 2019

What better way to spend your week than at the Microsoft Build Conference in Seattle, Washington? As exhibitors again this year, members of the LEADTOOLS team had the pleasure to be surrounded by many enthusiastic people in the industry. We were very excited about attending the event and taking part in the sessions as well, evident by the fact that we sent the most team members ever to one show.

First off, our team would like to thank all of those who stopped by our booth! We appreciate your interest in LEADTOOLS and our team enjoyed the conversations we were able to have with many of you. For those who attended and did not have a chance to say ‘Hi’, feel free to reach out to us with any comments or questions.

Opening Day

On day one, some of us arrived early to make sure our booth was set up and ready for the show. Some of us would say it was way too early, but early is better than late, right? Regardless of the time, LEAD was able to leave its mark on the event attendees as we had a lot of new faces stop by to ask about LEADTOOLS, as well as a good number of current users interested in the latest version of our SDK.

The Keynote session provided our team with a lot of information and what to look forward to, including:

  • .NET 5 The new evolution of .NET will combine all platforms into one. Release date, 11/2020
  • New Windows terminal with WSL2
  • Visual Studio Online. Light-weight version of Visual Studio Code. Runs in the browser so you can connect from anywhere
  • Visual Studio Remote Development

Day Two

We settled in more on day two and really hit our stride. Lots of conversations and contestants took part in our coding challenge. We had over 600 total attendees stop by our booth, so you can only imagine the diversity of technical questions.

This challenge was created to see if attendees could utilize the new LEADTOOLS Xamarin Camera Control to make a ‘Selfie’ app and take a picture of themselves. Each contestant was able to finish in a very short amount of time which goes to show that the Camera Control is simple to utilize in any Xamarin application. If you participated in this contest, check your inbox to see if you won one of our three amazing prizes.

On top of the wonderful booth action, we had members of the team attend classes and sessions. These are always beneficial and keeps us up to date on the latest trends as well as what to look forward to in the future.

Day Three

By day three, standing all day was starting to take its toll. Luckily, we had popcorn at the booth for the last four hours to save the day, energize us, and keep the flow of people coming.

Everyone loves free popcorn!

When in Seattle…

Each night after all the hustle and bustle, our team members experienced different parts of Seattle. We enjoyed sushi the first night, a group dinner at the world-famous Metropolitan Grill, a sunset on the water followed by walking through the famous Pike Place Fish Market, and a bibbed dinner with mallets and crab. Each night in Seattle was almost as fun as talking with all the attendees at the event during the day.

Were you able to attend Microsoft Build 2019? If so, what were your favorite parts of the event? Leave us a comment below!

Nick Villalobos: Technical Marketing Engineer

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