Categories: Barcode

New WinRT Barcode Engine

I heard some exciting news from engineering today in regards to our WinRT barcode engine. Just over a month has passed since we released the WinRT SDK, and our hardworking document imaging experts have already revamped the barcode recognition algorithm in several key ways:

  • Enhanced the barcode engine to produce optimum results in pictures taken from mobile devices
  • New image preprocessing that resolves extreme shadows, lighting and 3D perspective skewing in images capture from cameras
  • Faster recognition when reading barcodes from a video stream
  • Enhanced internal binarization for color images and videos

All of these add up to superior accuracy and speed to what was already an outstanding product! To be more precise, the new algorithm is presented as a setting which means this has no impact on the previous algorithm if you are still using our barcode engine on scanned documents. These updates, as well as a free demo for the Windows Store, should be available shortly after the holidays!

Not only is this exciting news for our WinRT customers, but also for our upcoming LEADTOOLS Anywhere releases scheduled for early 2013. This mobile-optimized algorithm will be a part of the new libraries for iOS and Android as well!


Developer Advocate

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