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When "getting" a BSTR property, the memory containing the string is allocated with SysAllocString. When this string is no longer needed, free this memory by calling SysFreeString if you are working in an environment such as C or C++ that does not automatically delete the memory. VB automatically deletes the memory, so VB programmers do not need to free the memory themselves.

When "getting" a BSTR property, the memory containing the string is allocated with SysAllocString. When this string is no longer needed, free this memory by calling SysFreeString if you are working in an environment such as C or C++ that does not automatically delete the memory. VB automatically deletes the memory, so VB programmers do not need to free the memory themselves.


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#include "ILMDSKernel2.h"


C Syntax

HRESULT ILMDSKernel2_UnlockModule(pDSKrn, Key, Flags, AppID)

C++ Syntax

HRESULT UnlockModule(BSTR Key, long Flags, BSTR AppID)

VB Syntax

object.UnlockModule(Key As String, Flags As Long, AppID As String) As Long


ILMDSKernel2 *pDSKrn;

/* pointer to an interface */


 /* serial number */

long Flags;

 /* flags */


/* calling application ID or path */

Unlocks a specific module, or group of modules (depending on the serial number, or Key).




Pointer to an ILMDSKernel2 interface.


A string that represents the module serial number. This parameter cannot be NULL (empty).


One of the UnLockFlagsConstants2 enumeration values that specify the level at which the unlocking operation will be performed.


If Flags contains UNLOCK_APP_ONCE or UNLOCK_COMPUTER: The application ID; a unique ID of the calling application. The caller is responsible for uniqueness of this ID. It is recommended to use the full path of the application.

If Flags contains UNLOCK_APP_PATH: The application full path of the application (the long version, not the short 8.3 version of the path).

This parameter cannot be NULL (empty).



The function ran successfully.

<> S_OK

An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the ShowDirectShow documentation.


Use this function to change the state for the modules that are unlocked to Release. Please note the following:

Required DLLs and Libraries


See Also




For an example, refer to Using the DSKernel Object.


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