Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Assembly Changes

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Version 18 changes

Version 17.5 changes

Version 17 changes

Version 16.5 changes

Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Assembly Changes from Version 17.5 to Version 18

Android, iOS / OS X, and .NET WinForms support - LEADTOOLS V18 adds Android support to its toolkits through the new LEADTOOLS Android SDK. In addition, iOS / OS X support for its toolkits has been added through the new LEADTOOLS iOS / OS X SDK; and .NET WinForms support has been added through the new LEADTOOLS .NET WinForms SDK. These toolkits provide everything a developer needs to create imaging-enabled Android, iOS / OS X, or .NET WinForms applications.

New Libraries

The following Libraries have been added to LEADTOOLS v18:

Packages, Frameworks or DLLs / Shared Object Libraries Comments
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.JAR / LibLeadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.SO Android support for performing image transforms such as multi-scale enhancement, registration mark transformation, document clean-up, deskewing (including bank check deskewing), etc.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.framework iOS / OS X support for performing image transforms such as multi-scale enhancement, registration mark transformation, document clean-up, deskewing (including bank check deskewing), etc.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.DLL .NET WinForms support for performing image transforms such as multi-scale enhancement, registration mark transformation, document clean-up, deskewing (including bank check deskewing), etc.

New Types

The following types have been added in v18:

Type Description
StentEnhancementCommand Performs a digital stent enhancement on a sequence of X-Ray frames.

This enhances the visibility of the stent device in X-Ray angiography sequence of the coronary arteries.

StentEnhancementMarkers A class that contains the locations of the detected stent markers in a frame of the sequence.
MICRCodeDetectionCommand Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) is a character-recognition technology used mainly by the banking industry to ease the processing and clearance of cheques and other documents.

New Members

The following member has been added to existing types in v18:

Member Description
LeadZoneTableData.BoundsToDraw (Read only) Gets the drawing boundaries.

For more information, refer to http://www.leadtools.com/corporate/new-in-v18.htm.



Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Assembly Changes from Version 17 to Version 17.5

WinRT Support

LEADTOOLS V17.5 adds WinRT support for core image processing functions with the new LEADTOOLS WinRT SDK. The LEADTOOLS WinRT SDK contains everything a developer needs to create imaging-enabled Windows Store applications. It is available as an add-on to any of the Document or Medical products.

The following Library has been added to LEADTOOLS v17.5:

Assemblies Metadata Comments
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.DLL Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.winmd Contains classes, methods, properties, and events for performing image transforms such as multi-scale enhancement, registration mark transformation, document clean-up, and deskewing (including bank check deskewing), etc.

New Types

The following types have been added in v17.5:

Type Description
DitheringType This enumeration represents the type dithering used in the image within DitherType property.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.DotMatrixType This enumeration represents the flag that determines whether or not the document image is a dot matrix image.
ImageColorTypeCommand This command examines the image and returns its type (whether it is color, grayscale or black and white).
ImageColorTypeCommandFlags Options that describe how to detect the image type.
ImageColorType Describes the image's color type.

New Members

The following members have been added to existing types in v17.5:

Member Description
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.AutoZoningCommand.DitherType (Read only) Gets the value that determines which type of dithering to use.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.LeadZoneTableData.CellTypes (Read only) Gets the list of LeadZoneType structs that represents the cell type.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.AutoZoningCommand.DotMatrix Returns the value that determines whether a document image is a dot matrix image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.AutoZoningCommand.TableImage Returns a raster image of the tables in a document image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.AutoZoningCommand.UnderLines Gets information about the underlines.

Note on LEADTOOLS for .NET v17.5

In LEADTOOLS for .NET v17.5, the auto-zoning engine has been improved as follows:

  1. Automatic Dot-matrix image detection and reconstruction support.
  2. Multi-colored background detection and removal.
  3. Improved Underline detection.
  4. Detection and Fixing of Auto Dithered images.
  5. Text or image cell type classification.
  6. Automatic detection and fixing of very noisy images.
  7. Decreased time necessary to process noisy images and the reduction in the number of zones generated.

Other enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to the auto-zone advanced table detection feature:

Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Assembly Changes from Version 16.5 to Version 17

Note on LEADTOOLS for .NET v17

In LEADTOOLS for .NET v16.5, some assemblies had a dependency on System.Drawing. System.Drawing is the .NET 2.0 assembly used with the Windows Forms and GDI+ platforms. Since LEADTOOLS v17 treats Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight as equal citizens, certain types in this LEADTOOLS assembly has been changed to reflect that. For example, properties with System.Drawing.Point type have been changed to use the new Leadtools.LeadPoint type, methods with a parameter of System.Drawing.Rectangle type have been changed to use the new Leadtools.LeadRect type. The following table shows the old 16.5 and corresponding new v17 types:

Old v16.5 Type

New v17 Type











New Types

The following types have been added to v17:

Type Description

Performs a detail preserving noise reduction.

New Members

The following members have been added to existing types in v17:

Member Description
Leadtools.RasterRegion InvertedTextCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region InvertedTextCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

InvertedTextCommandEventArgs(RasterImage image, Leadtools.RasterRegion region, LeadRect boundingRectangle, int whiteCount, int blackCount)

Replaces InvertedTextCommandEventArgs(RasterImage image, System.Drawing.Region region, Rectangle boundingRectangle, int whiteCount, int blackCount)

Leadtools.RasterRegion LineRemoveCommand.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region LineRemoveCommand.Region { get; }

Leadtools.RasterRegion RakeRemoveCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region RakeRemoveCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

RakeRemoveCommandEventArgs(Leadtools.RasterRegion region, int length)

Replaces RakeRemoveCommandEventArgs(System.Drawing.Region region, int length)

Leadtools.RasterRegion DotRemoveCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region DotRemoveCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

DotRemoveCommandEventArgs(RasterImage image, RasterRegion region, LeadRect boundingRectangle, int whiteCount, int blackCount)

Replaces DotRemoveCommandEventArgs(RasterImage image, System.Drawing.Region region, Rectangle boundingRectangle, int whiteCount, int blackCount)

Leadtools.RasterRegion LineRemoveCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region LineRemoveCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

LineRemoveCommandEventArgs(RasterImage image, RasterRegion region, int startRow, int startColumn, int length)

Replaces LineRemoveCommandEventArgs(RasterImage image, System.Drawing.Region region, int startRow, int startColumn, int length)

Leadtools.RasterRegion HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs(RasterImage image, RasterRegion region, LeadRect boundingRectangle, int holeIndex, int holeTotalCount, int whiteCount, int blackCount)

Replaces HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs(RasterImage image, System.Drawing.Region region, Rectangle boundingRectangle, int holeIndex, int holeTotalCount, int whiteCount, int blackCount)

Leadtools.RasterRegion BorderRemoveCommand.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region BorderRemoveCommand.Region { get; }

Leadtools.RasterRegion BorderRemoveCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region BorderRemoveCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

BorderRemoveCommandEventArgs(RasterImage image, RasterRegion region, BorderRemoveBorderFlags border, LeadRect boundingRectangle)

Replaces BorderRemoveCommandEventArgs(RasterImage image, System.Drawing.Region region, BorderRemoveBorderFlags border, Rectangle boundingRectangle)

Leadtools.RasterRegion DotRemoveCommand.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region DotRemoveCommand.Region { get; }

Leadtools.RasterRegion SmoothCommand.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region SmoothCommand.Region { get; }

Leadtools.RasterRegion HolePunchRemoveCommand.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region HolePunchRemoveCommand.Region { get; }

Leadtools.RasterRegion InvertedTextCommand.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region InvertedTextCommand.Region { get; }

Leadtools.RasterRegion InvertedTextCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }

Replaces System.Drawing.Region InvertedTextCommandEventArgs.Region { get; }


Use Normal Table Detection


Use Lines Reconstruction to connect broken lines and for patterned tables.


Use Advanced Table Detection to return more accurate results and detect complex tables

DeskewCommandFlags.UseExtendedDeskew Use an alternative algorithm to deskew the image, this algorithm is equivalent to the obsolete command DeskewCommandExtended. This flag when set, the properties DeskewCommand.AngleRange and DeskewCommand.AngleResolution are used.
DeskewCommand.AngleRange Gets or sets the value that indicates the maximum angle of deskew, in hundredths of degrees. This value is only used when the user set the property Flags to DeskewCommandFlags.UseExtendedDeskew.
DeskewCommand.AngleResolution Gets or sets the value that indicates the deskew angle precision on which the filter is applied. This value is only used when the user set the property Flags to DeskewCommandFlags.UseExtendedDeskew.

Removed Types

The following types have been removed in v17

Removed Type Description

The LEADTOOLS DeskewExtendedCommand has been merged with Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.DeskewCommand


Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Assembly Changes from Version 16 to Version 16.5

New Types

The following types have been added in v16.5

Type Description
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.AutoZoningCommand Detects different zones (Text, Graphic and Tables) in an image automatically. This is an important feature for OCR pre-processing to improve the recognition results. This function is useful for any application that needs to automatically separate images, tables and text within mixed raster content (MRC) images.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.AutoSegmentCommand Performs automated segmentation of a rectangular area in the image specified by the user. The result will be applied to the image as a region.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.LeadZone Represents the class that is used to return the details about the detected zone.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.LeadZoneTextData Represents the class that is used to return the details about the detected text zone.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.LeadZoneTableData Represents the class that is used to return the details about the detected table zone.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.TissueEqualizeCommand Performs equalization between hard tissue and soft tissue in X-Ray images.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.WindowLevelExtCommand Converts a 12 or 16-bit grayscale image to an 16-bit grayscale or a 48-bit RGB image. This class is available in Medical"> toolkits only.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.WindowLevelExtCommand.ToString Overridden. Returns a meaningful name for this class.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.WindowLevelExtCommand.Run Inherited from Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.WindowLevelExtCommand.LookupTable Gets or sets an optional 16-bit lookup table that can be used to implement a user defined conversion.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.WindowLevelExtCommand.LowBit Gets or sets a value indicating the low bit used for leveling.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.WindowLevelExtCommand.HighBit Gets or sets a value indicating the high bit used for leveling.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.WindowLevelExtCommand.Order Gets or sets a value indicating the color order if the output image will be 48-bit.
CountLookupTableColorsExt Gets the total number of entries between the start color and the end color, and the index of the last occurrence of the start color. The start and end colors are determined internally.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.InvertedPageCommand Checks and auto-corrects an inverted image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.HighQualityRotateCommand Perform high quality rotation on a black and white image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.CoreUtilities.CountLookupTableColorsExt Gets the total number of entries between the start color and the end color, and the index of the last occurrence of the start color. The start and end colors are determined internally.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.ObjectCounterCommand Gets the number of black objects in a binary image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.ObjectCounterCommandEventArgs Handles each object found by Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.ObjectCounterCommand.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.InvertedPageCommand Checks and auto-corrects an inverted image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.SigmaCommand Performs an edge preserving average filter on bitmap.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.FastMagicWandCommand Updates a region through the ObjectRectangle and the ObjectData variables according to the color value at Xposition and Yposition.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.HighQualityRotateCommand Perform high quality rotation on a black and white image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.TissueEqualizeCommand This function performs an Equalization between the Hard Tissue and the Soft Tissue in X-Ray Images.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.AutoSegmentCommand Performs automated segmentation of a rectangular area in the image specified by the user. The result will be applied to the image as a region.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.RakeRemoveCommand Removes isolated Data Rakes in 1-bit black and white images.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.RakeRemoveCommandEventArgs Handles each rake found by Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.RakeRemoveCommand

New Enumerations

The following enumerations have been added to LEADTOOLS for .NET v16.5:

Enumeration Description
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.LeadZoneType Flags that determine the type of the zone that the auto zoning command will detect.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.AutoZoningOptions Flags that determine the behavior of the auto zoning process.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.InvertedPageCommandFlags Options for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.InvertedPageCommand class.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.HighQualityRotateCommandFlags Options for the class.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.InvertedPageCommandFlags Options for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.InvertedPageCommand class.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.DeskewCommandFlags.DoNotUseCheckDeskew Perform the ordinary deskew. Do not perform any of the bank check algorithms.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.DeskewCommandFlags.UseCheckDeskew Use the bank check algorithm to deskew the image. This algorithm considers many features common to standard bank checks in order to determine orientation.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.DeskewCommandFlags.UseLineDetectionCheckDeskew Use the bank check line detection algorithm to deskew the image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.HighQualityRotateCommandFlags Options for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.HighQualityRotateCommand class.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.TissueEqualizeCommandFlags This enumeration contains the options for performing Tissue Equalization on an image.

Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core Assembly Changes from Version 15 to Version 16

New Types

The following types have been added in v16:

Member Description
Core.AutoBinarizeCommand Applies binary segmentation to a bitmap automatically.



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