Saving Window-Leveled Images

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(Medical only) Only TIFF and DICOM file formats are capable of saving images that have been window-leveled. Extended grayscale images can be window-leveled by using ApplyLinearVoiLookupTableCommand, WindowLevel and specifying RasterWindowLevelMode.PaintAndProcessing for the flags parameter, or by loading an image from a file format that supports window-leveling. If a window-leveled image is saved as any other file format (other than extended grayscale TIFF or DICOM), the image data will be converted before being saved.

The data is converted to the full bit range (LowBit = 0, HighBit = BitsPerPixel - 1) when RasterImage.UseLookupTable property is not set and data is linearly scaled from black for minimum intensity and to white for maximum intensity value. Otherwise; when the flag is set, it will resolve the corresponding RGB value from the LUT as the source color and convert that to destination bits per pixel.

When the images are saved as DICOM or TIFF, no conversion is made.

Whenever you save an image containing a region as a TIFF file format, the region is also saved. Note, however, that the ability to save a region inside a TIFF file must be unlocked. This requires a Document Imaging or Medical Imaging toolkit.



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