LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools)

Leadtools Namespace

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 Contains core classes for LEADTOOLS functionality including data types and helper classes.

ImageProcessing Provides support for image processing on a HTML5 ImageData.
ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Completed event.
ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Progress event.
LeadCollection Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
LeadEvent LEADTOOLS support for JavaScript events.
LeadEventArgs Defines the base class for classes containing event data.
LeadLengthD Stores a length value.
LeadMatrix Represents a 3x3 affine transformation matrix used for transformations in 2-D space.
LeadPointD Stores two numbers that represent the coordinates of a point (X and Y).
LeadRectD Stores four numbers that represent the coordinates and size of a rectangle (X, Y, Width, and Height).
LeadSizeD Stores two numbers that represent the size (Width and Height).
LTHelper Represents a helper class used by the various LEADTOOLS components to detect the current browser and operating system.
NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the LeadCollection.CollectionChanged event.
LTBrowser Specifies the current browser.
LTDevice Specifies the current device.
LTOS Specifies the current operating system.
NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction Describes the action that caused a LeadCollection.CollectionChanged event.
See Also


Leadtools Library



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