LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls.Medical)

WindowLevelPaletteType Enumeration

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Represents the enumeration that determines the palette used to display the image.
Leadtools.Controls.Medical.WindowLevelPaletteType = function() { };
Leadtools.Controls.Medical.WindowLevelPaletteType.prototype = {
none = 0, cool = 1, cyanHot = 2, fire = 3, iCA2 = 4, ice = 5, orangeHot = 6, rainbowRGB = 7, redHot = 8, spectrum = 9, };
0noneNone, use the normal gray-scale lookup table.
1coolCool palette.
2cyanHotCyan Hot palette.
3fireFire palette.
4iCA2ICA2 palette.
5iceIce palette.
6orangeHotOrange hot palette.
7rainbowRGBRainbow RGB palette.
8redHotRed hot palette.
9spectrumSpectrum palette.

This enumeration is used with the DICOMImageInformationRenderer.PaletteType property.

To disable using the palette, set PaletteType to WindowLevelPaletteType.None.

The palette works by replacing the gray intensity values stored in the image lookup table with the values stored in the palette.

See Also


Leadtools.Controls.Medical Namespace



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