LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls)

Leadtools.Controls Namespace

Show in webframe
Inheritance Hierarchy
Contains objects and functions to create an interactive, cross-platform HTML image viewer control that is multi-touch gesture enabled and capable of image manipulation.
ElementEventArgs Contains event data that wraps a native JavaScript event.
ImageViewer Represents a scrollable control that displays an image with optional interactive UI operations.
ImageViewerCenterAtInteractiveMode Centers (and optionally zooms) the image inside the viewer based on user mouse click or touch tap.
ImageViewerCreateOptions Options for creating an ImageViewer
ImageViewerInteractiveMode Base class for the rich user experience features of ImageViewer
ImageViewerMagnifyGlassInteractiveMode Shows a magnified version of the image on top of the viewer's
ImageViewerNoneInteractiveMode Implementation of ImageViewerInteractiveMode that does not have an action.
ImageViewerPanZoomInteractiveMode Provides interactive pan and zoom user interface functionality to an ImageViewer.
ImageViewerRenderEventArgs Contains data for the various ImageViewer render events.
ImageViewerRubberBandEventArgs Contains data for the ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode.RubberBandStarted, ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode.RubberBandDelta and ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode.RubberBandCompleted events.
ImageViewerRubberBandInteractiveMode Draws a rectangle on the viewer.
ImageViewerSpyGlassDrawImageEventArgs Contains the event data for the ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode.DrawImage event.
ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode Draws and pans a spy glass on top of the viewer.
ImageViewerZoomAtInteractiveMode Zooms the image inside the viewer around the user mouse click or touch tap.
ImageViewerZoomToInteractiveMode Zooms to a rectangle on the image.

Contains data for the InteractiveService.DragCompleted event.


Contains data for the InteractiveService.DragDelta event.


Contains data for the InteractiveService.DragStarted event.

InteractiveEventArgs Defines the Base class for all the interactive events.
InteractiveMultiTouchEventArgs Defines the base class for all the multi-touch interactive events.

Contains data for the InteractiveService.PinchCompleted event.


Contains data for the InteractiveService.PinchDelta event.


Contains data for the InteractiveService.PinchStarted event.

InteractiveService Defines the service to translate mouse and touch events to common user interface interactions.
PropertyChangedEventArgs Contains the event data for property change events.
ControlAlignment Indicates where an element should be displayed on the horizontal axis relative to the allocated layout slot of the parent element.
CoordinateType Indicates the coordinate type for conversions.
ImageViewerNewImageResetOptions Specifies options to control which display properties get reset when a new image is set into the control.
ImageViewerScrollMode Determines how the control displays and uses scrollbars.
ImageViewerSizeMode Determines how the control displays the image and the automatic adjustments of the display rectangles.
ImageViewerSpyGlassCrosshair Indicates the crosshair type of the spy glass.
ImageViewerSpyGlassShape Indicates the shape of the ImageViewerSpyGlassInteractiveMode spy glass.
InteractiveDirection Indicates drag direction.
Keys Indicates a key code.
MouseButton Indicates a mouse button.
See Also


Leadtools.Controls Library



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