LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Ccow assembly)

JoinCommonContext Method

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The context participant interface provided by the application.
Name of the application. This string must be unique relative to the other applications that have already joined the common context session.
If set to true participate in context change surveys. If false the application will only be informed when a context change has been accepted.
If set to true wait for the current context change transaction to complete.
Enables an application to join a common context session.
int JoinCommonContext( 
   IContextParticipant contextParticipant,
   string applicationName,
   bool survey,
   bool wait
Function JoinCommonContext( _
   ByVal contextParticipant As IContextParticipant, _
   ByVal applicationName As String, _
   ByVal survey As Boolean, _
   ByVal wait As Boolean _
) As Integer
Dim instance As IContextManager
Dim contextParticipant As IContextParticipant
Dim applicationName As String
Dim survey As Boolean
Dim wait As Boolean
Dim value As Integer
value = instance.JoinCommonContext(contextParticipant, applicationName, survey, wait)


int JoinCommonContext( 
   IContextParticipant^ contextParticipant,
   String^ applicationName,
   bool survey,
   bool wait


The context participant interface provided by the application.
Name of the application. This string must be unique relative to the other applications that have already joined the common context session.
If set to true participate in context change surveys. If false the application will only be informed when a context change has been accepted.
If set to true wait for the current context change transaction to complete.

Return Value

A participant coupon that the application uses to denote itself to the context manager.
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Imports Leadtools
      Imports Leadtools.Ccow
      Imports Leadtools.Ccow.UI

      Private ApplicationName As String = "LEADTOOLS CCOW App"
      <Test> _
      Public Sub JoinCommonContext()
         Dim contextManager As IContextManager = Utils.COMCreateObject(Of IContextManager)(CcowProgId)
         Dim participant As ContextParticipant = New ContextParticipant()
         Dim coupon As Integer = 0

            coupon = contextManager.JoinCommonContext(participant, ApplicationName, True, False)

            ' Set Patient Context
            SetPatientContext(contextManager, coupon)

            ' Get Patient Context
            GetPatientContext(contextManager, coupon)

         Catch e As Exception
         End Try
      End Sub

      Public Sub SetPatientContext(ByVal contextManager As IContextManager, ByVal coupon As Integer)
         Dim patientSubject As Subject = New Subject("Patient")
         Dim contextData As IContextData = TryCast(contextManager, IContextData)
         Dim transactionCoupon As Integer = 0
         Dim noContinue As Boolean = True, disconnect As Boolean = False
         Dim reasons As Object
         Dim decision As String = "accept"

         patientSubject.Items.Add(New ContextItem("Patient.id.mrn", "123456789"))
         patientSubject.Items.Add(New ContextItem("Patient.co.Patientname", "Doe^John^^^"))

            transactionCoupon = contextManager.StartContextChanges(coupon)
            contextData.SetItemValues(coupon, patientSubject.ToItemNameArray(), patientSubject.ToItemValueArray(), transactionCoupon)
            reasons = contextManager.EndContextChanges(transactionCoupon, noContinue)

            ' If any application responded that they cannot apply the change we need to display
            ' a dialog that displays the reasons for the problems.
            If (Not reasons Is Nothing AndAlso (CType(reasons, String())).Length > 0) OrElse noContinue Then
               Dim pd As ProblemDialog = New ProblemDialog(CType(reasons, String()), noContinue)
               Dim result As DialogResult

               result = pd.ShowDialog()
               If noContinue Then
                  decision = "cancel"
               End If
               If result = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
                  decision = "accept"
               ElseIf result = DialogResult.Cancel Then
                  decision = "cancel"
                  decision = "cancel"
                  disconnect = True
               End If
            End If

            contextManager.PublishChangesDecision(transactionCoupon, decision)

            ' If user decided to break context we must leave
            If disconnect Then
            End If
         Catch e As Exception
         End Try
      End Sub

      Public Sub GetPatientContext(ByVal contextManager As IContextManager, ByVal coupon As Integer)
         Dim contextData As IContextData = TryCast(contextManager, IContextData)
         Dim data As Object = Nothing

            data = contextData.GetItemNames(contextManager.MostRecentContextCoupon)
            If data.GetType() Is GetType(String() ) AndAlso (CType(data, String())).Length > 0 Then
               Dim names As String() = CType(data, String())

               For Each name As String In names
               Next name
               data = contextData.GetItemValues(data, False, contextManager.MostRecentContextCoupon)
               If data.GetType() Is GetType(Object() ) Then
                  Dim values As Object() = CType(data, Object())

                  Dim i As Integer = 0
                  Do While i < values.Length
                     Debug.Write("     ")
                     Debug.WriteLine(values(i + 1).ToString())
                     i += 2
               End If
            End If
         Catch e As Exception
         End Try
      End Sub

        <ComVisible(True)> _
        Public Class ContextParticipant
            Implements IContextParticipant
#Region "IContextParticipant Members"

            Public Sub CommonContextTerminated() Implements IContextParticipant.CommonContextTerminated
            End Sub

            Public Sub ContextChangesAccepted(ByVal contextCoupon As Integer) Implements IContextParticipant.ContextChangesAccepted
            End Sub

            Public Sub ContextChangesCanceled(ByVal contextCoupon As Integer) Implements IContextParticipant.ContextChangesCanceled
            End Sub

            Public Function ContextChangesPending(ByVal contextCoupon As Integer, ByRef reason As String) As String Implements IContextParticipant.ContextChangesPending
                reason = String.Empty
                Return "accept"
            End Function

            Public Sub Ping() Implements IContextParticipant.Ping
            End Sub

#End Region
        End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Ccow;
using Leadtools.Ccow.UI;

private string ApplicationName = "LEADTOOLS CCOW App";

public void JoinCommonContext()
    IContextManager contextManager = Utils.COMCreateObject<IContextManager>(CcowProgId);
    ContextParticipant participant = new ContextParticipant();
    int coupon = 0;

        coupon = contextManager.JoinCommonContext(participant, ApplicationName, true, false);

        // Set Patient Context

        SetPatientContext(contextManager, coupon);

        // Get Patient Context

        GetPatientContext(contextManager, coupon);

    catch (Exception e)

public void SetPatientContext(IContextManager contextManager, int coupon)
    Subject patientSubject = new Subject("Patient");
    IContextData contextData = contextManager as IContextData;
    int transactionCoupon = 0;
    bool noContinue = true, disconnect = false;
    object reasons;
    string decision = "accept";

    patientSubject.Items.Add(new ContextItem("Patient.id.mrn", "123456789"));
    patientSubject.Items.Add(new ContextItem("Patient.co.Patientname", "Doe^John^^^"));

        transactionCoupon = contextManager.StartContextChanges(coupon);
        contextData.SetItemValues(coupon, patientSubject.ToItemNameArray(), patientSubject.ToItemValueArray(), transactionCoupon);
        reasons = contextManager.EndContextChanges(transactionCoupon, ref noContinue);

        // If any application responded that they cannot apply the change we need to display
        // a dialog that displays the reasons for the problems.

        if ((reasons != null && ((string[])reasons).Length > 0) || noContinue)
            ProblemDialog pd = new ProblemDialog((string[])reasons, noContinue);
            DialogResult result;

            result = pd.ShowDialog();
            if (noContinue)
                decision = "cancel";
            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                decision = "accept";
            else if (result == DialogResult.Cancel)
                decision = "cancel";
                decision = "cancel";
                disconnect = true;

        contextManager.PublishChangesDecision(transactionCoupon, decision);

        // If user decided to break context we must leave

        if (disconnect)
    catch (Exception e)

public void GetPatientContext(IContextManager contextManager, int coupon)
    IContextData contextData = contextManager as IContextData;
    object data = null;

        data = contextData.GetItemNames(contextManager.MostRecentContextCoupon);
        if (data.GetType() == typeof(string[]) && ((string[])data).Length > 0)
            string[] names = (string[])data;

            foreach (string name in names)
            data = contextData.GetItemValues(data, false, contextManager.MostRecentContextCoupon);
            if (data.GetType() == typeof(object[]))
                object[] values = (object[])data;

                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i += 2)
                    Debug.Write("     ");
                    Debug.WriteLine(values[i + 1].ToString());
    catch (Exception e)

public class ContextParticipant : IContextParticipant
    #region IContextParticipant Members

    public void CommonContextTerminated()

    public void ContextChangesAccepted(int contextCoupon)

    public void ContextChangesCanceled(int contextCoupon)

    public string ContextChangesPending(int contextCoupon, ref string reason)
        reason = string.Empty;
        return "accept";

    public void Ping()


Target Platforms

See Also


IContextManager Interface
IContextManager Members



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