LEADTOOLS OCR (Leadtools.Forms.Ocr assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Forms.Ocr Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and descriptions of interfaces, classes, structures, enumerations, and delegates.
ClassOcrAutoRecognizeJobOperationEventArgs Contains data for the IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.JobOperation event. .NET support
ClassOcrAutoRecognizeJobProgressEventArgs Contains data for the IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.JobProgress event. .NET support
ClassOcrAutoRecognizeRunJobEventArgs Contains data for the IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.JobStarted and IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.JobCompleted events. .NET support
ClassOcrComponentMissingException Represents the exception that is thrown when trying to use an OCR feature supported but not installed. .NET support
ClassOcrEngineManager Provides methods to create OCR engine instances. .NET support WinRT support
ClassOcrException Represents the exception that is thrown when a runtime error occurs inside the IOcrEngine .NET support
ClassOcrSupportLockedException Represents the exception that is thrown when a support locked runtime error occurs inside the IOcrEngine. .NET support
ClassOcrTypeManager Helper class to create OCR struct values. .NET support WinRT support
ClassOcrZoneCell Contains information of a cell in a zone of type OcrZoneType.Table .NET support WinRT support
InterfaceIOcrAutoRecognizeJob Specifies an OCR job that can run and tracked by IOcrAutoRecognizeManager. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrAutoRecognizeManager Provides support for the one shot "fire and forget" approach to OCR suitable for unattended recognition. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrDocument Defines an OCR document object. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrDocumentManager Manages the OCR documents of this IOcrEngine. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrEngine Provides support for OCR functionality in LEADTOOLS. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrLanguageManager Provides access to the language environment of the character sets used by the IOcrEngine. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrOmrOptions The OMR settings currently used in the engine. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrPage Defines an image page in an OCR document. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrPageCharacters Represents the recognized characters collection of a page. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrPageCollection Represents the pages of an OCR document object. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrProgressData Contains data for the OcrProgressCallback delegate. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrSettingDescriptor Defines a setting name, friendly name, type and range. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrSettingManager Manages the underlying engine-specific settings of this IOcrEngine. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrSpellCheckManager Manages the spell checking sub system of the OCR engine. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrTableZoneManager Represents an Object used to manipulate cells inside a table zone. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrZoneCharacters The recognized characters collection of a zone inside a page. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrZoneCollection Contains the zones in this IOcrPage. .NET support
InterfaceIOcrZoneManager Support for determining the various zone types, recognition modules and fill methods supported by the OCR engine. .NET support
StructureOcrAutoRecognizeJobData Conatains the data used to create an OCR Auto Recognition job. .NET support
StructureOcrAutoRecognizeManagerJobError Contains information on an IOcrAutoRecognizeManager job error. .NET support
StructureOcrCellBorderDragLimit Defines the maximum and minimum movement allowed by a given cell border. .NET support
StructureOcrCharacter Represents recognized character data. .NET support
StructureOcrStatistic Represents processing statistic data. .NET support
StructureOcrTablePointInformation Contains cell index and the nearest border for a given point. .NET support
StructureOcrWord Represents recognized word data. .NET support
StructureOcrZone Represents a rectangular area on a page containing a feature of interest to the user. .NET support
DelegateOcrProgressCallback Monitors progress of OCR operations. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrAutoPreprocessPageCommand Performs page pre-processing commands .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrAutoRecognizeManagerJobErrorMode Defines values for the IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.JobErrorMode property. .NET support
EnumerationOcrAutoRecognizeManagerJobOperation IOcrAutoRecognizeManager job operations. .NET support
EnumerationOcrAutoRecognizeManagerJobStatus Job status. .NET support
EnumerationOcrCellBorder Indicates the cell border location .NET support
EnumerationOcrCellBorderLineStyle Indicates the line style of a cell border. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrCharacterFontStyle Indicates the font attributes for recognized characters. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrCharacterPosition Recognition character data position information. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrEngineType Specifies available OCR engine types. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrOmrFrameDetectionMethod The OMR frame detection mode. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrOmrSensitivity The OMR sensitivity mode. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrOmrZoneState The zone OMR recognition state. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrPageType The type of the page's Leadtools.RasterImage to get. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrProgressOperation OCR progress callback operation identification. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrProgressStatus Status control of the OcrProgressCallback. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrSettingValueType Defines a setting type. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrSpellCheckEngine OCR spell checker type .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrSupportLockedExceptionType The type of support (feature) needing to be unlocked which caused the error. .NET support
EnumerationOcrXmlOutputOptions Controls the format of the XML data obtained from IOcrDocument.SaveXml. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrZoneAfterRecognitionNotes The after recognition flags for the zone. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrZoneCharacterFilters Character set filter. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrZoneFillMethod Possible content types of the zones .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrZoneParser The zone parser used when automatically performing page-layout decomposition (auto-zoning). .NET support
EnumerationOcrZoneRecognitionModule Available recognition modules of the engine. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrZoneRecognitionOptions Zone checking control options. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationOcrZoneType Zone types. .NET support WinRT support
See Also


Leadtools.Forms.Ocr Assembly



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Leadtools.Forms.Ocr requires an OCR module license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features