LEADTOOLS Image File Support (Leadtools.Codecs assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Codecs Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and description of enumerations, structures, classes, and delegates.
ClassCodecsAbcLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading ABC images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsAbcOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving images using LEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression (ABC). .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsAbcSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving ABC images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsAnzLoadOptions Provides options for loading ANZ (Analyze) images. .NET support
ClassCodecsAnzOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving ANZ (Analyze) images. .NET support
ClassCodecsAsyncCompletedEventArgs Base class for the CodecsGetInformationAsyncCompletedEventArgs and CodecsLoadAsyncCompletedEventArgs classes. .NET support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsDocLoadOptions Provides the options for loading Microsoft Word 97-2003 (DOC) and Microsoft Word 2007/2010 documents as raster images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsDocOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving Microsoft Word 97-2003 (DOC) or Microsoft Word 2007/2010 (DOCX) files. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsDocumentImageInfo Provides information specific to document images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsEcwLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading ECW images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsEcwOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving ECW images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsEcwSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving ECW images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsEnumGeoKeysEventArgs Provides data for the RasterCodecs.GeoKeyFound event. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsEnumTagsEventArgs Provides data for the RasterCodecs.TagFound event. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsEpsLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading EPS images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsEpsOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving EPS images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsExtensionList Exif extension information. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsFaxImageInfo Provides information specific to FAX images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsFpxLoadOptions Gets the options for loading FPX images. .NET support
ClassCodecsFpxOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving FPX images. .NET support
ClassCodecsGetInformationAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the RasterCodecs.GetInformationAsyncCompleted event. .NET support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsGifImageInfo Provides information specific to GIF images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsGifLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading GIF images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsGifOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving GIF images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsGifSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving GIF images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsImageInfo Provides functionality for getting information about image files supported by LEADTOOLS. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJbig2LoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading JBIG2 images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsJbig2Options Provides extra options for loading and saving JBIG2 images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJbig2SaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving JBIG2 images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJbigLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading JBIG images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJbigOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving JBIG images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJpeg2000LoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading JPEG 2000 and LEAD CMW images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJpeg2000Options Provides extra options for loading and saving JPEG 2000 and LEAD CMW images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJpeg2000SaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving JPEG and LEAD CMW images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJpegImageInfo Provides information specific to JPEG and LEAD CMP images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJpegLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading JPEG and LEAD CMP images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJpegOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving JPEG and LEAD CMP images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsJpegSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving JPEG and LEAD CMP images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsLoadAsyncCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the RasterCodecs.LoadAsyncCompleted event. .NET support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsLoadImageEventArgs Provides information for the RasterCodecs.LoadImage event. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsLoadInformationEventArgs Provides information for the RasterCodecs.LoadInformation event. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsLoadOptions Provides access to generic file load options. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsOptions Provides access to all the specific file format load and save options supported by LEADTOOLS. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsOverlayData Contains information about the overlay image found in the file. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsPageEventArgs Provides information for the RasterCodecs.LoadPage event. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsPcdLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading PCD images. .NET support
ClassCodecsPcdOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving PCD images. .NET support
ClassCodecsPdfLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading PDF, PS and EPS file options. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsPdfOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving PDF images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsPdfSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving PDF images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsPngLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading PNG images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsPngOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving PNG images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsPngSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving PNG images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsPsdChannelInfo Provides information about a specified channel in the PSD file. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsPsdImageInfo Provides information specific to PSD images. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsPsdLayerInfo Describes the layer position within a PSD file. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsPtokaLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading PTOKA images. .NET support
ClassCodecsPtokaOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving PTOKA images. .NET support
ClassCodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions Contains set options for loading a document file as a raster image (rasterization). .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsRasterizeDocumentOptions Provides support for loading or saving a document file. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsRawOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving RAW Data images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsRawSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving RAW Data images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsRedirectCloseEventArgs Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectClose event. .NET support
ClassCodecsRedirectOpenEventArgs Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectOpen event. .NET support
ClassCodecsRedirectReadEventArgs Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectRead event. .NET support
ClassCodecsRedirectSeekEventArgs Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectSeek event. .NET support
ClassCodecsRedirectWriteEventArgs Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectWrite event. .NET support
ClassCodecsRtfLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading RTF files as raster images. .NET support
ClassCodecsRtfOptions Provides extra options for loading RTF files as raster images. .NET support
ClassCodecsSaveImageEventArgs Provides information for the RasterCodecs.SaveImage event. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsSaveOptions Provides access to generic file save options. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsTiffImageInfo Provides information specific to TIFF images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsTiffLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading TIFF images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsTiffOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving TIFF images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsTiffSaveOptions Provides options specifically for saving TIFF images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassCodecsTxtLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading TEXT files as raster images. .NET support
ClassCodecsTxtOptions Provides extra options for loading TEXT files as raster images. .NET support
ClassCodecsVectorImageInfo Provides information specific to vector images. .NET support
ClassCodecsVectorLoadOptions Contains options for loading a vector file as a raster image (rasterization). .NET support
ClassCodecsVectorOptions Provides support for loading or saving a vector image file. .NET support
ClassCodecsVffLoadOptions Provides options for loading VFF (Sun TAAC Bitmap) images. .NET support
ClassCodecsVffOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving VFF (Sun TAAC Bitmap) images. .NET support
ClassCodecsWmfLoadOptions Provides options specifically for loading WMF images. .NET support
ClassCodecsWmfOptions Provides extra options for loading and saving WMF images. .NET support
ClassCodecsXlsLoadOptions Provides the options for loading Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (XLS) and Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 (XLSX) documents as a raster image. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsXlsOptions Provides the options for loading or saving Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (XLS) and Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 (XLSX) documents. .NET support WinRT support
ClassCodecsXpsLoadOptions Provides the options for loading Open XML Paper Specification (XPS) documents as a raster image. .NET support
ClassCodecsXpsOptions Provides the options for loading or saving an Open XML Paper Specification (XPS) document. .NET support
ClassCodecsXpsSaveOptions Provides the options for saving a raster image as an Open XML Paper Specification (XPS) document. .NET support
ClassRasterCodecs Provides support for loading and saving raster image files. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
ClassRasterImageTypeConverter RasterImageTypeConverter is a class that can be used to convert Leadtools.RasterImage objects from other data types. .NET support Silverlight support
StructureCodecsCodecInformation Provides information about a LEADTOOLS file codec. .NET support
StructureCodecsExtension Exif extension information. .NET support WinRT support
StructureCodecsRasterPdfInfo Contains information for a raster PDF file created with the LEADTOOLS Raster PDF plug in. .NET support
StructureCodecsStartDecompressOptions Provides information and parameters for the RasterCodecs.StartDecompress method. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
StructureCodecsThumbnailOptions Options used when loading a thumbnail from an image file. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
DelegateCodecsCompressDataCallback Provides a callback method that gets called when compressed data is available. .NET support WinRT support
DelegateCodecsOverlayCallback Provides a callback method that gets called when loading a file containing an overlay. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
DelegateCodecsTransformMarkerCallback Handles the processing of every JPEG marker present in the file transformed by RasterCodecs.Transform. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsAbcQualityFactor Indicates the pre-defined quality factor for saving images using LEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression (ABC). .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsAnzView Indicates the view to use when loading ANZ (Analyze) images. .NET support
EnumerationCodecsCmpQualityFactorPredefined Indicates the pre-defined quality factor for saving LEAD CMP compressed images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsCodecLoadMode The handling mode for a file codec. .NET support
EnumerationCodecsColorSpaceType Indicates the colorspace of the image data .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsCompression Indicates the compression type. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsDecompressDataFlags Indicates the state of the decompression engine. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsExtensionListFlags Flags that indicate the type of data contained in the Exif extensions. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsJpeg2000CompressionControl Indicates the compression control method. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsJpeg2000PrecinctSize Values to specify the size of JPEG 2000 compressed packets, provides a mean of random access into a JPEG 2000 compressed stream. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsJpeg2000ProgressionsOrder Indicates the order of progression. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsJpeg2000RegionOfInterest Indicates which region of interest to use. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsLoadByteOrder Indicates the desired byte order when loading image files. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsLoadImageFlags Describes whether this is the first or last call of the event, and whether the buffer contains first or last row of image data. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsOverlayCallbackMode Indicates the overlay callback mode. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsPageEventCommand Indicates the action to take regarding the load/save operation. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsPageEventState Indicates the state of the page load/save process. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsPdfTextEncoding Indicates the type of text encoding to perform when saving PDF images. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsPhotoInterpolation Indicates color information. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsPlanarConfiguration Indicates the planar configuration of the image data. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsPsdChannelType Indicates the PSD channel type. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode Specifies the transformation to use when converting the logical size specified in the current document rasterization options to the final physical raster image size. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsRasterizeDocumentUnit Specifies the unit of a document page width, height or margins. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsRasterPdfVersion Indicates the PDF file version. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsSavePageMode Indicates the operation to perform when saving multipage files. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsStartDecompressDataType Indicates the data format. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsTiffPhotometricInterpretation Indicates the photometric interpretation value for TIFF images. .NET support WinRT support Silverlight support
EnumerationCodecsTransformFlags Indicates the transform to perform. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsTransformMarkerAction Indicates the action to take when processing a marker. .NET support WinRT support
EnumerationCodecsVectorUnit Indicates the unit of measure for the vector image file. .NET support
EnumerationCodecsVectorViewMode Indicates the view mode for rasterizing a vector image. .NET support
EnumerationCodecsVffView Indicates the view to use when loading VFF (Sun TAAC Bitmap) images. .NET support
See Also


Leadtools.Codecs Assembly



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