LEADTOOLS Windows Forms (Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.Color assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.Color Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Overview and description of enumerations and classes that provide support for color image processing common dialog functionality.
ClassRasterColorDialogHelpEventArgs RasterColorDialogHelpEventArgs is the Help event argument data.
ClassRasterColorDialogString Represents a Leadtools dialogs strings class to update the dialogs string with a new string.
ClassRasterWindowLevelDialog Displays the Window Level dialog box.
EnumerationRasterColorDialogHelpName Indicates the dialog ID that triggered the help event.
EnumerationRasterColorDialogStringsId Indicates the dialog string ID.
See Also


Leadtools.WinForms.CommonDialogs.Color Assembly



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