LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer.Configuration Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy
Outline and description of interfaces, enumerations, structures, and classes.
ClassConnectionElement Contains information about a connection.
ClassConnectionElementCollection Represents a configuration element containing a collection of ConnectionElement elements.
ClassDataAccessConfigurationView Provides default implementation for the IDataAccessConfigurationView interface.
ClassDataAccessMapping Represents the mapping from an ADO.NET logical provider to the corresponding data access type.
ClassDataAccessSettings Represents the root configuration for data.
InterfaceIDataAccessConfigurationView Provide a way for navigating the configuration data from a DataAccessSettings.
See Also


Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer Assembly



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Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features