ILTStlImgWrtUserCallback Interface

User Interface

This is a user callback interface that should be implemented and registered using ILTStlImgWrt::SaveOptionsCallback.

Interface Methods:

HRESULT SaveOptionsProc (BSTR When "getting" a BSTR property, the memory containing the string is allocated with SysAllocString. When this string is no longer needed, free this memory by calling SysFreeString if you are working in an environment such as C or C++ that does not automatically delete the memory. VB automatically deletes the memory, so VB programmers do not need to free the memory themselves. *pstrFileName, SaveCallbackFlagsConstants *pSaveFlags, VARIANT_BOOL bMultiPage)



string containing the new output file name for the current frame. If you don’t want to change the output file name, pass NULL.


flag that indicates how the callback should handle the frame. For a list of possible values, refer to SaveCallbackFlagsConstants.


Contains the current passed frame index.


If the value is VARIANT_TRUE, then the output file is a multipage file, if the value is VARIANT_FALSEm then the output file is not a multipage file.


This method is called by the filter for each frame.


S_OK if successful, or another error code otherwise.